Dustin Nemos & Flat Earth Dave - Biblical Flat Cosmology & Geocentricity.
In this interview:
I had Flat Earth Dave on to discuss the shape of the planet. Why we were taught a lie, who told us the lie, and why they told us that lie.
https://TheSerapeum.com/map - Your Archive of The Hidden History of Mankind, and The Mystery Babylon Religion of The Deep State.
Direct Link to The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app - https://qrco.de/bbizVA
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I am giving thumbs up because I love you and your show. But if you support this LIAR "FLAT EARTH DAVE" I will UNSUBSCRIBE from your show ! How dare you become so crazy ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????? "FLAT EARTH DAVE" is a crook ! Check the commercial / residential flight the southern South America to Sidney Australia . How many hours ? 14 hours !!!!!!!!! Existing operating flight ! Direct and in the southern hemisphere ! Again this is a current existing operating flight. Now look at the "Flat Earth lying MAP" , how much time it should have taken if the earth was flat ????? 40 hours ??? 50 hours ??? Dustin Nemos : You have lost your mind , and maybe I should not watch you anymore.

Ridiculous to even entertain these idiots. Charter a jet with instruments and you'll have your proof in 24 hours.