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DuckDuckGo Goes Rogue; It's Time to Move On

Zealous Zoomer
Zealous Zoomer - 423 Views
Published on 15 Mar 2022 / In News and Politics

My once favorite search engine, DuckDuckGo, has gone down the path of censorship just like Google. Qwant has also followed in line. We must move on to other search engines like Startpage (which I now use), Swisscows and even JoshWho Search.

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Captain Danger
Captain Danger 2 years ago

Doesn't the company that owns google own DDG?

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Zealous Zoomer
Zealous Zoomer 4 months ago

OMG this is so late lol. No, they are owned by different companies, but they both censor in the name of the Ukraine

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Custos Luminis
Custos Luminis 2 years ago

Just like all corporation they get you to join them speaking about freedom and Rights only to sell out for Dollars to the Globlaist who want to rule over you as Slaves. DuckDuckFuckNo!

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