Drag Queen Story Hour: "Grooming of the Next Generation"
Sign the petition to STOP the "Drag Queen Storytime" for kids here: https://www.tfpstudentaction.o....rg/petitions/drag-qu
Gender fluidity. Cross-dressing. Pick your pronoun.
Ideas found only on liberal college campuses? Not anymore. The public library of Lafayette has these as official programming for children, shocking residents in this conservative part of Louisiana.
Already operating in twenty-one states, the pro-homosexual "Drag Queen Story Hour" program is endorsed by the American Library Association and its Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC).
During two nights of intense opposition, proponents and opponents of the Drag Queen Story Hour faced off at public meetings in the heart of Cajun country.
The Lafayette Public Library Board of Control met on Monday, September 17. Although the Drag Queen Story Hour scheduled on October 6 was not on the published agenda, residents lined up for public comment at the conclusion of the meeting.
tensions were high. Local LGBT supporters were present in force. They used every resource at their disposal to portray the planned event in a positive light. Accusations of opponents acting from so-called fear, hatred and bigotry were common.
Many expected such rhetoric to dominate the meeting. But speaker after speaker came to voice their opposition. The disapproval of the Drag Queen Story Hour among the capacity crowd was overwhelming. The innocence of children, outrage at the Drag Queen event being pushed with no public consultation, appeals to standards of public decency and many other sound arguments won the day.
A TFP Student Action petition with over 17,000 signatures against the Drag Queen Story Hour was presented to the library board by Mr. Thomas Drake. Other TFP-Louisiana members, joined me in speaking on behalf of the signers in defense of children’s innocence.
More: https://www.tfpstudentaction.o....rg/blog/protest-drag
- Note of clarification -
The final vote of the Lafayette City-Parish Council consisted of 3 council members in favor of denouncing the Library's approval of the "Drag Queen Story Hour" program with 6 council members abstaining. Thus the resolution unfortunately failed.
Also the number of speakers and attendees from the public that were opposing the drag queen program were far more numerous than the number of those in favor of undermining the innocence of children. The show of hands in the beginning of the video is showing those opposing the drag queen event.

I used to be pro lgbt community. Now I can't f###ing stand them. Walking stereotypes, the more obnoxious the better. The movement is corrupt and obviously pro-pedophilia. Sometimes gay friends just don't GET it, but nobodies going to benefit in the long run. Either the pedophiles will be exposed and/or there will be a whole NEW wave if homophobia, and the lgbt movement brought it upon itself.