Dr William Luther Pierce - Suicide of the White Race (23 Dec 2000) & intro.mp4
If you like the video, download and share it. Upload on other platforms to help defeat the jewish censorship war.
You can download all the radio shows in 2 archive links
290 radio show collection https://archive.org/details/DrPiercesBroadcasts
Additional shows (not in the above link) including quotes that I have made https://archive.org/details/19760925-our-cause
Note some of these earlier shows where banned by bitchute, due to pressure from the enemy, https://www.bitchute.com/video/U5AVzL0wayzG/ You can get the banned shows at the archive link above.
I have also included all the quotes I made, by Dr WLP (& some others) which i have transcribed whilst i was listening to his shows. You can also download at https://mega.nz/folder/iZVChbx....B#G76baWsSFhRTpQXHU7
Dr WLP Book pack. https://mega.nz/folder/Z1pUiZQ....I#YKFPJ2yzpEYlrAYjSA
American Dissident Voices https://www.bitchute.com/chann....el/americandissident
transcripts http://natall.com/adv/
Link to all my uploads including other good channels/videos, in pdf file ( 20 Feb 2021). organized in categories. note that old links will be deleted https://mega.nz/file/NsQRiCKC#....073REcCed314ZnhqeoNh
https://gab.com vasili1
My Bitchute channel https://www.bitchute.com/channel/rqTBd6zFQEW1/ is blocked in many countries in Europe & Russia & UK, and possibly other places. If you cannot access links to the bitchute videos, use vpn and set it to the USA. If my bitchute channel is deleted https://archive.org/details/@vasili1 & https://https://ugetube.com/@vasili & https://worldtruthvideos.org/@vasili
To download from Bitchute, use any of:
Don't use firefox or microsoft browsers (Bill Gates scumbag jew - Internet explorer, chrome, etc). Use Opera or Brave, Goto 'extensions' and do a search for ‘video downloader’ and add it as an extension. There are a few different programs, so try them out.
Blue cross flag - The Flag of the Revolution https://www.greeka.com/greece-history/flags/ It was in this flag that the leaders of 1821, such as Theodoros Kolokotronis and Andreas Miaoulis, took the vow to fight for liberation.