There is no need to create a false enemy any longer, as now we have all been conditioned to consider our family, friends, neighbors, and countrymen as mortal enemies due to fear of a common cold. I have said on more than one occasion that the controlling top tier and their enforcers in government must be sitting in back rooms laughing out loud at the general population’s gullibility, and what idiotic orders they are willing to religiously follow. We have been told to not gather together, to not have parties, to not listen to live music, to not go to weddings and funerals, to not go to church, to not participate in art and theatre, to not enjoy any restaurant experience, to not travel, or get within six feet of any other human. In other words, we have been ordered to abandon all aspects of love and life. Recently, many have been ordered to not celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, treasures of this society, and been given ludicrous orders of behavior that defy logic and sanity. We have been told to not work, to give up our livelihoods, to imprison ourselves in our own homes, and to avoid all contact with older loved ones locked away in what are now state-controlled nursing home prisons. We have been told to wear deadly and worthless masks that hide all human expression while stealing life-giving oxygen, which causes much more sickness and death. The lockdowns and long-planned response to this manufactured false pandemic threat will kill millions upon millions of people, while the claimed killer virus is in reality non-existent, but then that is all part of the plot.
There are very many individual agendas, but they all lead to one end; that end is the global takeover, or “Great Reset” of society as described by the evil Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum. All humanity, all economic activity, all control of every aspect of life are at risk, but the sinister aspects of this conspiracy go much deeper. Eugenics plays a major role in this new world order plan. In other words, many will be doomed to death if this takeover is allowed to materialize and come to completion. This can and will be done in order to achieve the world sought by those overseeing this reset of society. Already, the old and infirmed are literally being murdered by the state due to the effects of this lockdown madness. Those weak of mind, stressed, scared, and those faced with isolation and poverty are committing suicide at rates not seen in the past. Fear and despair have taken center stage, and that can only lead to an increase of unnecessary deaths.
This of course is all part of the agenda, but with dangerous untested vaccines coming, vaccines that may be mandated for all, these injections can easily take advantage of large populations. Biological agents, implants, sterilization technology, dangerous adjuvants like mercury and aluminum, unknown viruses, nanotechnology components like fluorescent biosensors injected by hydrogel, and under-the-skin electronics that transmit to databases are all possible if not probable. In addition, how do any know how much combining of nanotechnology and vaccines will actually take place? It is well known that this technology not only exists, but also is being developed continuously, much in secret. Immunity passports are already in use in many parts of the world, but how could they work without the ability to track every single individual electronically? They could not, so it stands to reason that using a vaccine to inject biosensor technology would be compelled by this vile and malicious state.
Every nefarious agenda considered by this and other governments in the past is evident in this current takeover plot. All is tied together into one major agenda of control, whether climate change, market and monetary restructure, economic destruction and reorganization, ‘sustainable development,’ technocratic oversight and control, transhumanism, energy monitoring and allocation, and 5G smart cities filled with those that have been forcibly eliminated from the working sector. This is the future anticipated by the state.