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Dr. Richard Fleming: GONE IN 60 SECONDS - COVID vaccines DEPLETE oxygen from red blood cells

Slawomir Slowianin
Slawomir Slowianin - 1,237 Views
Published on 06 Nov 2021 / In Health

Dr. Richard Fleming: GONE IN 60 SECONDS - COVID vaccines DEPLETE oxygen from red blood cells

Dr Fleming for whatever reason was NOT able to find graphene oxide, parasites, nano particles in the kill shots BUT there are many others doctors who PROVED all these “ingredients” ARE present in vials (several videos on this matter are in my CovidHoax playlist).

Hard evidence won't matter. Fauci, Gates & all the top people at the CDC & FDA are well aware of how deadly these so-called vaccines are. It's intentional mass murder – so either WE take care of them first or we are all gone.

Yes. It's been planned for decades. Either we find our backbone, or we give in to complete evil tyranny. We have to start a grass roots movement on our/ your local community level. If you "know someone" please show them the reality what is really going on... but the sheeple REFUSE to fight back and hunt down the men running this nightmare -tThey may never realise the whole truth as their brains have been fried with fear. It causes psychotic thinking and behaviour. I keep away from jabbed sheeple as much as possible and never discuss the covid issues with them. It is just too risky as it provokes violence in the "vaccinated".


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