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Dr Reiner Fuellmich interviews former UN executive director Călin Georgescu - Oligarchs own the U.N.

Linda Kirby
Linda Kirby - 509 Views
Published on 16 Jun 2023 / In News and Politics

DISCLAIMER: Nowadays we can’t find the truth. Everyone is spinning, lying, giving disinfo, you name it, so all I can do is give you info I have found that is interesting and it’s up to you to decide if you want to believe it or not. We must take in all kinds of info and be discerning about it because we don’t know what is true...we don’t want to throw out something that might be true even tho we thought it wasn’t. Just do your own research and be discerning.
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 THE BEDTIME BIBLE CHAT Music by Pat Moehring accomplished orchestra pianist, Executive Director for the Charlotte Civic Orchestra.

MY MAIN PLATFORM IS UGETUBE where all my videos go up first:
I’m also on Bitchute and I am not posting on Rumble anymore, it’s not worth my effort.


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1 Comments sort Sort by

Pennysaver 1 year ago

Linda, i have been trying fir weeks to log in again! ugetube just would not let me use my new email. instead i had to go back to an old email that works for a few more weeks!!
Thank you for all you do for us! I hope you are doing well. Praying for you & hoping we will see your smiling face again soon! you have so much wisdom! love you!

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Linda Kirby
Linda Kirby 1 year ago

I am soooo glad to see you cuz I and one of my viewers have missed you and we were worried something might be wrong on your end, illness or something. Phew, I'm so glad you are ok!! I don't understand what is wrong with this site and it's really getting me angry. Have you tried notifiying them? I would but I think it would have to be you who has to do it. But, I am so relieved to hear from you! Email me every now and then if you can't get into it here so I'll know you are ok. Love you so much!

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