Dr Peter McCullough, MD Speaking out about the Covid Vaccine
Dr Peter McCullough, MD Speaking out about the Covid Vaccine
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He is afraid to point out the Medical Mafia? He calls them the "stakeholders" The are the secret-dagger holder.
Their Creator-God sent them a messenger to inform them that "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT" is fundamentally-flawed thinking.
"The ends never justify the means" God told the thUg-network over and over and over until they murdered the messenger.
The Mystery School Cult has now tainted their "New Atlantis" beyond survival... the thUgs have done it to themselves, the stupid thUgs think and outworn technology like the Tower-Of-Babel will save their pathetic egos into eternal, A.I. logarithms ... The ancient satan-race has brainwashed the human thUg-network to self-annihilate, again. It is not a cyclic process. The personality has only one attempt to become worthy. Other incarnations will benefit from their unworthiness and lack of heart, lack of love. These thUgs will be pouting at the satan-race treachery until their decaying soul-fragments are all assimilated back into their source-Selves.
Such is the choices of murderous monsters who are simply used by All-That-Is to advance more worthy soul-fragments. https://ugetube.com/watch/the-....unknown-reality-vol-