Dr. Naomi Wolf - Pfizer Documents Prove "Mass Murder" - The New American (01/25/23) [link to PDF in description]
The New American Channel:
War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports -20 JAN 2023 - Dr. Naomi Wolf PDF:

Most in congress & senate are crypto jews like alexandra occasio cortez, who as soon as she tricked everyone into voting for her, announced that her family was crypto jews pretending to be Puerto Rican. Alex Jones, Tim Pool & everyone on the worldstage (high profile) podcasts that never suffered the censorship that most of us did = never, ever mention the theys that somehow own everything = the khazars that 1st made their money in HUMAN TRAFFICKING, before adding control of banks for the inbred pretend royals. Trafficking Humans is their pass time.