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Dr. Jane Ruby (10/23/2024): Death by NanoTech: You Won’t Even Feel It — MOTB Snake Patch?

FollowsTheWay - 30 Views
Published on 24 Oct 2024 / In News and Politics

Mark-of-the-beast snake patch from Vaxxas? (Note the "double-cross" in the name).

Dr. Jane Ruby: New bioweapon delivery system goes into fake safety and efficacy trials by Vaxxas and BARDA – the high density microarray patch plunges thousands of Microneedles into your skin with the bioweapon preloaded.

This is a marathon genocide.

Dr. Jane Ruby is an American scientist, medical professional, and commentator. Dr. Ruby broke the world wide stories of the white embalmer clots and graphene oxide in the C19 bioweapon shots.

You can follow her Substack at

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Video Published: October 23, 2024

--------------- WARNING:
Time is running out for mankind — even for the vast majority of Christians who think they are going to Heaven but are not — just as Jesus said. A DELUSION OF A SALVATION THAT DOES NOT EXIST.

For a most-helpful guide to the narrow way and true, Biblical salvation, freely-download and prove out the PDF here, while there is still time:

--------------- Three Blogs Dedicated to the Strait Gate/Narrow Way of Jesus:




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FollowsTheWay 57 minutes ago  

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: (Rev 13:16)

“mark” comes from Strong’s G5480:

a scratch or etching, that is, stamp (as a badge of servitude), or sculptured figure (statue):—graven, mark.


Strong’s G5480 is from the same as G5482:

From “charasso” (to sharpen to a point; akin to G1125 through the idea of scratching); a stake, that is, (by implication) a palisade or rampart (military mound for circumvallation in a siege):—trench.


Webster’s 1828 for “palisade” (note the similarity to the “micro-array patch” design):

PALISA’DE, n. A fence or fortification consisting of a row of stakes or posts sharpened and set firmly in the ground. In fortification, the posts are set two or three inches apart, parallel to the parapet in the covered way, to prevent a surprise.

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