Dr Buttar My Story
Dr. Rashid Buttar Interactive Media Exchange
“I’ve always been different. I actually like being different. So it’s no surprise to those who know me that the medicine I practice would also be different. We practice what I refer to as Advanced Medicine, a philosophy that specifically pays attention to how the Creator designed us, honoring our superior design while helping the patient on their journey back to health. The physiological system possesses a self-regulating innate intelligence which seeks to self-heal and re-establish normal homeostasis which is paramount in the philosophy of Advanced Medicine.
Life has enough trials and tribulations without a chronic health issue becoming an additional burden. The Advanced Medicine Conferences are the assembly of the world’s top medical and scientific professionals sharing the unbiased, candid facts establishing the truth which will empower you and your loved ones. And it is this real actionable knowledge that is essential not just to survive, but to actually THRIVE during these unprecedented times of nonsensical non-science being forced upon us by politicians and the media.
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