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Donald Marshall Info:Cloning Stuff, the Ancient Ones, D.U.M.B.s, The Torturing of Humanity

Voice From the Deep Underground
Published on 08 Jul 2022 / In Technology

the Torture of Humanity is a common practice down in the D.U.M.B.s, clones are made from pirated DNA (maybe yours) and set to task in the deep underground arena/weird pleasure center of these plentiful deep dungeons of despair and evil's depraved delights. What may come across to the victim as a bad dream, is really , in actuality their clone being activated for various forms of sadistic mayhem that the owners and controllers of this place enjoy. Its not a dream , its real. it felt like you were there because you WERE THERE. YOUR SOUL, YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, YOUR SPIRIT, THE THING THAT MAKES YOU SPECIAL TO YOURSELF....WAS USED. tO PILOT A DUPLICATE COPY OF YOU IN WHATEVER SCENARIO "THEY" FEEL LIKE. and lemme tell ya, "they" dont got much feel for anything, except maybe the next cheap thrill, something to "stimulate" them....loosers...All this amazing tech and look how they use it.Death combats, torture, multiple weird sex practices, physical mutilation , mental manipulation, and there's all kinds of side effects.... Its A damn shame. Please excuse any harsh language im from New Jersey

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