Does it Matter If You Know How to Say Jesus' Name.mp4
One of the biggest distractions in Christianity today is the teaching that you need to know how to say Jesus' name perfectly. You've probably heard names like Yeshua, Yehoshua, and Yahshua as some examples of the supposedly "correct" way to say Jesus' name. However, how do we know which name is the one Jesus would have actually used 2000 years ago? Does it even matter? All of the arguments used to support the "correct name" teaching are silly at best, and downright distractions at worst. This video exposes this whole ridiculous distraction for what it is, and helps you to see what the REAL meaning behind Jesus' name is.

Every knee will bend!
You cannot be saved By Works!

No! There is no salvation by pronunciation.
It is of the most importance that we know the character that his name embodies.
To take the name of God (is his title) in vain is to misrepresent (slander) his character.
The saddest verse in the gospels is that of Jesus Christ speaking to those of the resurrection of Condemnation, stating "I never knew you"(...).
They never knew him to enable them to have the mind of Christ.
A contrite heart he will not despise.