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Doctors In Black: Plandemic - Banned From Youtube and Facebook

bodhi_mantra - 10,227 Views
Published on 08 May 2020 / In Film and Animation

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Leftyolay 4 years ago

She's exactly correct....People die of COPD with COVID 19...not because of it...

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CrazyMissHyde 4 years ago

I read this report and I have to honestly say that you seem to be towing the party line. Who do you work for really? And how much are you paid? NO single individual for any reason, would go to such lengths to debunk a simple comment/opinion unless you are part of the problem. If you believe you can throw common sense or the track records of these criminal out the window, you are mistaken. Yes, you arguments could be convincing to some but you are too slick slick! And don't bother replying because we just don't care about your bullshit. Fauchi and gang are CRIMINALS and history has shown this. We also judge by the company he keeps. But nice try.

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Jfcyas 4 years ago

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bodhi_mantra 4 years ago

Oh wow peer reviewed redditt comments? You really showed me!

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Jfcyas 4 years ago

@bodhi_mantra: didn't even look at any of the links ha? You people are batshit crazy and I fear for the mental wellbeing and health of anyone who listens to your tin foil hat craziness. Again, welcome to your own beliefs not your own facts. Enjoy your demented view of the world we live.

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bodhi_mantra 4 years ago

@Ftbs2020: When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic. - Dresden James. No I didn't look at them why would I? Did you bother to respond to mine when I engaged you in good faith? You said they weren't "peer reviewed" to be dismissive and trying to sound smarter than you were then post links to a Reddit thread, I mean was this supposed to be some kind of joke or are you really this stupid? You are a fool sir and a waste of time, take your histrionic gas-lighting and hypocrisy when you leave and don't come back please.

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Jfcyas 4 years ago

@bodhi_mantra: I looked at your link, it was full of bullshit. You don't bother looking for the truth because you're happy to belong to a special group. Special indeed. People that make these claims such as in this video should be put up on charges of endangering public health.

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bodhi_mantra 4 years ago

@Jfcyas: The irony here is not lost on me, you are a clown. Go back to Reddit and don't come back mate

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Jfcyas 4 years ago

@bodhi_mantra: yeah looks like a peer reviewed website to me ? Try reading actual scientific peer reviewed journals. Factual papers where the information found can be replicated because it's not made up.

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bodhi_mantra 4 years ago

Being an actual scientist as a career and a former college professor I have read many peer reviewed papers friend, are you implying your comments here are peer reviewed? I offered you the chance to make your argument and this is all you have? Stop wasting my time, you are a hack

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Jfcyas 4 years ago

@bodhi_mantra: if that's the case get out and do some actual science, if you can replicate the absolute garbage she spews then I'll listen.

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bodhi_mantra 4 years ago

@Ftbs2020: Why in the world would I do that? You appear to be a nutcase friend no offense. I don't care what you believe and don't know why you think I would or should care what you listen to. I archive information here. This is my personal video library, you are just visiting. If you don't agree with anything here you are more than welcome to leave any comment you want engaging with other people here and stating your peace and as long as you are respectful and acting in good faith I am more than happy to engage with you personally. If you come here acting like a fool however don't be surprised when I call you out for it. You are free to leave any time if you are not here to "listen".

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Jfcyas 4 years ago

Dangerous misinformation. Discredited over and over again.

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bodhi_mantra 4 years ago

You are more than welcome to make your case then friend. Got any actual sources other than your opinion? Because I do

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CrazyMissHyde 4 years ago

Ftbs2020 Incorrect. Obviously, after checking, you ARE a hack.

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