Disney Exposed And The Conor McGregor Coverup?
Disney Exposed And The Conor McGregor Coverup?

notice buffet schizphrenic trend pretending to be artists with disney, hacker with google, banker with goldman-sachs, doctor with pfizer, pilot with boeing, soldier with lockheed, carpenter with ikea; cooker with macdo, torrefactor with starbuck ... being no one else than guy impersonating wallet and passport he does not own

indeed, buffet stole illustrious american hebrew family during vacation in switzerland after planned murder on highway of mother and sister then using doublure to empty accounts in usa during survivor coma in clinic
switching identity as "disney" to blur investigation, hijack wallet and broadcast propaganda covering gestapo, w and buckingham
hiring whole "leadership" in studio to escape investigation with fbi for involving washington in noxious crime
doing the same in auschwitz and switzerland claiming decimated jewish families to work for berkshire in order to control wallet of banker, owner and artist
also pretending to be member of family for avoiding investigation with cia fake passport
as a matter of fact buffet full of himself was not "aware" that jewish family was linked to washington descent, buffet involving whole international leadership such as blair, w, rodham, soetoro, jospin, charles, miterand, holande, sing, chirac, modi ... to cover own crime and escape justice with gestapo promising reward in wall street and hollywood
mi6 and sea org monitored by dalai lama noticed that something was wrong with cia and dgse trading survivor passport among them under mi6 and isi eyes instead of giving back stolen identity to survivor
so dalai lama and diana crew tried to infiltrate cia gears to get their own parts of propaganda and cash
now cia claims survivor to work with them for grabbing identity and keeping control over wallet and studio in order to divert attention and avoid custody
united nations would explain why they fall one by one as long as they do not bring back identity to survivor
united nations knows very well case observing washington, buckingham, elysee, delhi sending bureaucratic trolls and celebrities roaming around survivor, pretending to know him for finalizing solution plotting accident, aggression, counterfeit bust, surrogate motherhood, staged family, false identity, financial bankruptcy, counterfeit relationship
... stupidly pretending survivor to work with those who stole identity and studio
but of course fbi is not aware that disney stole mgm claiming that disney bought mgm,
they simply puchased disney with mgm stolen wallet but reported that mgm was bankrupted for erasing crime,
indeed, disney was bankrupted and they used mgm wallet for saving disney studio and covering gestapo
they followed survivor with secret service to impersonate identity : for instance survivor was reading such book and doing such activity during childhood so disney bought books rights and made movies about survivor leisures to impersonate personal taste ... staging whole studio "spirit" in order to counterfeit legitimate ownership
if survivor goes to africa then studio makes "king lion", if survivor hacks dgse or ukrainian system then disney produces "pirates of caribbean" , "tron legacy" ...
everybody knows it excepting fbi
check dna