Disney Employee And College Teachers Brag About Their Sexual Agenda
Owen exposés the radical left as they push their agenda to sexualize children.

watch dr strange and dr morbius
instead of dr fauci

of course, hsbc bankrupts hollywood closing theaters during 2 years for ruining american industry and 30% balance of trade
solution is to ban disney, warner, fox, sony, lucas, pixar, columbia ... from cineworld owned by england
then cineworld, hsbc, mi6, sea will get bankrupted without blockbusters unable to manage empty theaters during several years compelled to broadcast unbankable netflix garbage, reselling theaters low price to american investors

Filthy Degenerate Scumbags...Heres your choice...Leave the country and go live in a Muslim Country...or STAY AND BE HANGED!!..."Personally??..."PUBLICLY"!!!!

You want control of Parents Children?...The penalty is Death by Hanging

I never dreamed I'd be witnessing this evil and on such a scale