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Disease X - The UK Prepares for the Next Plandemic & in Some cases, “Could be Caused by Climate Change” 🤡 They’ve drawn up a “threat list” of animal viruses that “are capable of infecting h

Patrick Budrionis
Patrick Budrionis - 360 Views
Published on 07 Aug 2023 / In

Disease X - The UK Prepares for the Next Plandemic & in Some cases, “Could be Caused by Climate Change” 🤡

They’ve drawn up a “threat list” of animal viruses that “are capable of infecting humans and could in future spread rapidly around the world” at their governments Porton Down laboratory in Wiltshire.

The Wuhan-lab leak proved that nothing is secure… so whatever nasty shit they’re cooking up in the lab at these facilities has the potential of being released into the public.

I said to my wife at the beginning of the Plandemic, this will never end…. the power that is associated with a Plandemic & the ability to shift the world in any direction they want it to go will not be relinquished.

If the Government is allowed to circumvent the law & the Constitution in the face of an Emergency, they will keep creating “Emergencies” in order to circumvent the law & the Constitution.

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