Jake Angeli outlines disclosure plus how to disseminate information to our friends and family.

Thank you for the information I appreciate the Disclosure, must say, I have no Idea how I got to your video or this website but I'm glad I did and I appreciate you taking the time to provide all this info!!! There are no coincidences I know everything happens for a reason and when we are ready, as we arrive at the time and place were we must be to received information as GOD within ourselves Planed. I ask the question and just wait for I know the answer will arrive at the right time and only when I am ready. Sometimes I know things whithout knowing why or were they came from and I do speak about it, but I always end with the phrase by saying "But what do I know, Improbably wrong" follow by my thought that I know what I said is true and will happen as it usually does come to BE at some point in time, always does since I was little, it just to take years after I said it before it manifested and took me a while to see the pattern but recently has been happening within days from a Thought to a manifestation of such, kind of cool though. Must admit that in my teen-years I stop reading horoscope because I realize it always came to Be and it was great if my horoscope was good for the day I read, but also was not so good when the horoscope read had negative things, I started thinking it was my mind creating or making things happened and decided to no longer read my horoscopes LOL-Teenagers right. As time pass, I came to see and realized that was not my imagination, but my own Thoughts manifesting the reality as I visualized and Thought of it, I realize the Power of a Thought, and must be very careful and aware of what we think. I wan not surprise of the Mockingbird Media when I heard about it for I knew and had experienced it firsthand since I was a child. But, the potential of misuse when a bad actor gets many people believing and Idea it can be very bad since they may not yet be aware the Power of their own Thoughts and combine with a few other People having the same Though at the same time can be very bad, creating chaos in our world without them knowing, as we've seen in the past few years. I know they use peoples Thoughts by manipulating emotions and implanting fears of events as seen with [Mockingbird]. The hard thing is making people aware of their own Power of Though, if you try telling or explaining that to someone they think you are creasy insane(been there, done that...) for they have no idea or maybe unaware of their Conscious Awareness/inner Thought-Connection and the link to their own emotional experiences, or perhaps they have not seen it first-hand due to the manipulation and indoctrination we have been subject during our lifetime...
I know I'm rambling here, but, If you have any Insight or Suggestions on how to approach this topic with people will be greatly appreciated. (Telling them to turn off the fake-news they are used to does not work, already tried it) and worst is Feeling their Pain, I seem to absorb their emotional pain as I speak to them, sometimes just been next to them with out saying a word it drains me and it hurts, I feel their pain literally, in the bright side is "they do seem to feel better after that energy-exchange". It happens every time, and so, I have isolated myself for a while for the same reason but I know there must be a way to reach them or just turn off their TV LOL!
Sorry I've ramble so long, once again, I Thank You for the Information provided and your time on making this video, very good intel!
Goes with out saying ~there was one thing I was asking/looking for and I found the answer within your video...
Thanks again for your time!
May the Light/Pure Love follows you always and keep you Safe!