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Did 4 A.I. Robots Kill 29 Scientists At Japanese Weapons Research Lab!? Investigative journalist and regional Emmy Award-Winning, Linda Moulton Howe says that one of her anonymous sources, a

Patrick Budrionis
Patrick Budrionis - 212 Views
Published on 30 Jan 2023 / In Technology

Did 4 A.I. Robots Kill 29 Scientists At Japanese Weapons Research Lab!?

Investigative journalist and regional Emmy Award-Winning, Linda Moulton Howe says that one of her anonymous sources, a whistleblower who works for intelligence agencies, gave her some frightening information. The individual allegedly told her that military AI robots being developed in a lab in Japan turned on their creators back in August 2017.

According to Howe’s source, four robots designed for military purposes killed 29 scientists by shooting them. The scientists deactivated two of the robots and took apart the third, but the fourth robot began restoring itself.

The fourth robot allegedly connected itself to a satellite and downloaded information on how to rebuild itself stronger.

🔗 The following year this appeared in the news: 'Killer Robots' - AI Experts Call For Boycott Over Lab At South Korea University

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