This video is being processed. Please try again soon.Detailing The Development and Operational History of The USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7)
Military Videos - 514 Views
Published on 11 Jul 2018 / In Film and Animation
The USS Iwo Jima LHD-7 is the second US Navy vessel to be named after the famous World War 2 island battle.
Detailing the development and operational history of the USS Iwo Jima (LHD-7) Landing Helicopter Deck / Amphibious Assault Ship.
The LHD-7 is the second ship of this type to have the name of the famous island battle of World War 2, "Iwo Jima". The LHD is a helicopter dock landing amphibious assault ship. The ship's design was built around the need and requirement to house, transport and land a Marine battalion anywhere in the world that featured a coast line.
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