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PatriotsOnFire - 97 Views
Published on 09 Jul 2023 / In News and Politics
Former Green Beret & Constitutional Attorney served 25 years in the DOD, Intel and Special Operations Communities and DTRA. Ivan E. Rainklin Served as a Green Beret Commander countering ISIS in the Middle East, Taliban in Afghanistan, MS-13 in Central America, countering Russian aggression as a military diplomat in the Republic of Georgia.

Most recently he was an instructor at the Joint Military Intelligence Training Center teaching the US Intelligence intel community and international partners about intelligence analysis, national security and multinational operations.

We're taking a DEEP DIVE into THE DEEP STATE and are beginning to understand that a force exists within the federal government that acts independently from elected, representative government.

It wields power that can destroy even popularly elected leaders. The fourth estate of professional bureaucrats filling cabinet level administrative agencies are so deeply entrenched that at times it seems like no-one or no-thing can stop them from imposing their will upon the American people.

That political will just happens to be socialism, and more importantly, totalitarianism.

The international Power Elite that gained so much wealth from free enterprise and total control of international banking, knew that money could buy anything, especially weak willed political hacks and leftist ideologues suckling on the government teet. It appears that the Power Elite have spent their ill-gotten gains wisely!!

Current Congressional hearings on the “Weaponization of Government” have exposed the undeniable levels of corruption within the CIA, FBI, Justice, IRS, EPA, DOD………the list goes on and on.

Meanwhile, the many Quislings in elected office tell the American people “there's nothing to see here, just walk by and look the other way”, while those who refuse are threatened and harassed by taxpayer funded law enforcement agencies, or made prisoners of the American Gulag system.

The key to fighting back against the deep state and the globalist oligarchy is in understanding the depth of the problem, and an acceptance of reality combined with a desire to do something about it.

So much of our history is propaganda and outright lies that we need to become readers and researchers willing to use the newly created power of the internet to learn the truth. Most people refuse to pick up a non-fiction book and read; but they should be willing to learn from those who do, and be wise enough to research and verify for themselves. God gave us a brain and the power of discernment for a reason. That reason is survival.

If you don't care about your survival, just maybe you should accept responsibility for your children and grandchildren. The world we leave behind should not curse our souls for taking so little responsibility in our role as protectors.

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