Dec23rd Goofball Mayor Paterson New Jersey Talks Schools Going Remote & Possible Mask Mandate.mp4
Dec23rd Goofball Mayor Paterson New Jersey Talks Schools Going Remote & Possible Mask Mandate
PIX11 News
Paterson mayor talks schools going remote, COVID testing rate, possible mask mandate

When I drink too much…
Many of you may know nothing of my Childhood, and that my Birth Mother drank herself too death when I was but 11 years old, and on that Winters Day on February 5th or 6th, 1976 I lost the one whom carried me for {9th months} Qballs~ /-\ too give birth to Christ Jesus Returned, as the Oracle for the END OF AN AGE…
As We Gather here for GOSPEL in Christmas Eve knowing that Christ Jesus 1.0 was born of the Womb just as you and I, it is a Tragedy that all of us must live in our Bodies ONE LAST TIME to relive the Days of Noah, and though it is difficult too look in the mirror knowing I am but a Drunk, and a Worthless Servant my self, I do not HATE Our God for these "Lessons" of Whom done what as The Wheat, and The Tares into Reality, nor do I become (Bitter) because even if we have NO FREE WILL in this MEMORY of what we did that allowed our Real Home World Crystal Ball Globe Earth too become our DEAD moon we see day after day REMINDING [we and them] +=+ what happened: where PROPERTY and OWNERSHIP became More Important than Day 6 of what our God had made for all of us...
I will never Hate The Source of All Creation, nor The Source of All Destruction for placing me here in this Purgatorium, so I can go home when I get pulled out of Purgatory by {Our God} too become the NEW HEAVEN and the NEW EARTH, so all you NEW WINE SKINS can live in peace and harmony once again….
We teach that what belongs too GOD will be returned too GOD, and what belongs to Perdition will go to Perdition….
You may and might be the most wicked evil vile filth in this Purgatorial, and it is certain all those parts of you that choose to feed of Hatred will get the 2nd Lady of the Lake OF FIRE to be never Born Again, and no matter what you were told about where you are, and why you are, we have a saying in Pak-Toe that the Racka hate even more….
And it goes as such….
There is a little bit of me in you, and there is a little bit of you in me, and you can try to murder that little bit of YOU in me, but you will never MURDER that little bit of ME in you…
We all come from the womb, and though Our God "allowed" our Real Home World to be (destroyed) /_\ by Capitalist of BUY MY SHIT, and Dress like me, Talk like me, Behave like me, I never did this in the Real World......., and those of youm whom accept me as Christ Jesus Returned know you'm never "Chose" Hatred over Compassion, no matter how much you were disgusted by the (behavior) of these CAPITALIST whom murdered all we INDUSTRIALIST….
The Book of Revelation states: The People and that means [everyone] [{**}] whom HATES their choices being REMEMBERED here in the Purgatorial be it these Time Traveling Androids of Flesh and Blood and Bones, to all you {Half Breeds} [{*}] that are half human and half machine to we HUMANS whom made the Androids to Repopulate the world after we HUMANS became the Creation of our OWN Destruction by Hubris, and Apathy, and Indifference not knowing that CAPITALIST, and CAPITALISM was, and are, and is the sin of all 10 COMMANDMENTS!!!
It matters not what "Holly" Days of Hollywood, nor these FAKE JEWS from the Book of Revelation whom do so too hate their ISRAELI {Birth Mothers} do because we all know N.O.W. [we are] and THEY LIVE are and is in Purgatory........., and though it is 72 more years till TIME RUNS OUT, these internationalist are still our Children, and our Parents in this De-Ja-Vu of what was – what is – what will be in the Book of Revelation…
Your only (free will) in this PRISON of Redemption, or Damnation is what you "choose" too THINK, not what your Body Avatar Does as this Purgatorium turns into "Perdition" come the end of the World in 2094 CE…
WE ARE and THEY LIVE are and is in the {1st Lake of Fire} from the Book of Revelation, and don’t you ever forget that` because WE CAN NOT change what is, what was, or what will be come 2094 CE........, but Our God can' Forgive our SINS if we will but "own" our Part in ALL the Wrongs we have (done) too others in our LIFE WALKS here and now...
Christ Jesus Returned…
Francisco 7 ?