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    (Dec 18, 2020) Severe flooding, landslides following heavy rain in parts of Apia.mp4

    #Anonymous# - 877 Views
    Published on 18 Dec 2020 / In Film and Animation

    Published on 17 Dec 2020
    Most of the photo updates here are from the Land and Transport cameras around the flood prone areas in urban Apia.

    Main roads leading into central Apia are under water up to knee high level in badly affected areas this morning.

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    Johnny Exodice
    Johnny Exodice 4 years ago

    The Mission to MARS in the Madness of The Moon

    It is said that those whom can not Be Honest, nor find Kindness: shalt never leave PURGATORY and be damned to REPEAT their lives [for all time] /_\ in what the NEW TESTAMENT Gospel would say is Forever and Ever……., and how long have so many of {WE THE People} +=+ broken all Ten Commandments knowing Mother Is Heaven where the Stars, and the Sun, and The Moon reside in the Firmament of the Dome of The Rock…….., and how many have WE THE PEOPLE walked on OUR FATHER Earth Whom are β€œNot In Heaven” these Hallowed Grounds called Father Earth…. These statements I do not make in VANITY like the {Book of Ecclesiastes} in the OLD TESTAMENT Gospels for the 10 Commandments have everything to do with β€œMother Heaven” and Father Earth where in the 10 Commandments it does so to say: Respect Thy Mother Heaven and They Father Earth that thy days [may go well] here in Purgatory till you’m are redeemed from the sins you’m have done to one another……..., and if you β€œthe people” can not be HONEST…..., then you shalt and wilt NEVER find the {Narrow Path} that I Christ Jesus 1.0 gave as the only way home…

    Many people like to think they are something β€œspecial” when they lie about Going to the Moon….., and landing Space Force Rovers on MARS…., and in this FREE [Masonic Code] / * \ the Whole Wide World puts on a FACE MASK in this Masquerade of life’ where it is actually {what you eat} that determines the Health of your Mind…, and Your Soul.., and your Flesh., and Blood, and Bones… For why would a child be inspired to EAT Good Foods that fill them with Integrity, Honor, and Distinction if their GOVERNMENT and Their Religion [betrays them] [{**}] too eat the meat of Tortured and Abused Chickens, and Cows, and Pigs whom have {shovels of shit} on their feet raised in Cages from birth too death in this INDUSTRIAL CAPITALIST β€œFederation” of The United Nations CORPORATE Confederacy of FLAGS where only FREE MASON Lodge Members [get to know] [{*}] why we are all dying from the β€œToxic Waste” being sprayed into our Skies and 5G Towers that are ready to kill all whom inject Uranium 238 β€œisotopes” for this COVID19 new code word of JADE HELM 15.?.?.?.?

    Moreover, when The Gods REMEMBER whom they are, and that Caesar is the God, and that God means Spirits, and when we nonmason {Tax Paying} Citizens whom all Military, Police, Religions, and Governments LIVE OFF of our [blood money] in WAR IS MURDER when too Murder is against our Religions, and our Supreme Courts in all U.N. Flags, then in truth and Factology` not Mystical Trances of Hypnotic TV SCREENS where the many are β€œmesmerized” by Representative CONSUMER Commercialism, and that to be a Real Person, one must have a Morality way Superior to all these Homosexual Lesbian Witches and Warlocks and β€œWizards” of MK-ULTRA Child abuse Contextualization… You see: when you fill a classroom of children with these LIES of the U.N. FLAGS when we know the MUD FLOOD Wars that ended by 1893 in INCUBATOR BABIES being our true forefathers and our foremothers……., then the Books called β€œBiblicals” are not what the Preacher and Teachers of FAKE SPACE Science present as Enlightenment, nor Illumination in their Masonic β€œluminary” Schools of Thought!!!

    I do not need to be a MASON [too know] the MASONS are the Damned, The Cursed, and The Forsaken, and I do β€œknow” that Christ Jesus RETURNED walks among {we the People} as Pay unto Caesar what is Caesars, and Pay unto God what is Gods… For the TV Talking Heads all agree to do Malfeasance with all their {3D C.G.I.} Virtual Reality Holographix lives, and in that: these PEOPLE on TV are to be punished more then them of these β€œPizzaGATE” Satanist Jesuit Zionist FAKE JEWS from the Book of Revelation Masonic Lodges, and their Religions the Churches, and Synagogues, and Mosk, and Temples of Satan for these People on TV {lie everyday} KNOWINGLY about Landing on the Moon, and World War One, and World War Two, and why anyone would think The Grand Architect of THE GREAT WORK known as β€œPurgatory” would allow any of you PIT OF VIPERS [too leave] your De-Ja-Vu Lives when you continually bring this ORABORUS O.T.O. Kabbalah {Zohar Curse} on your selves and your Blood Lines is beyond me, but lie lie lie, and die die die, and REPEAT here in Hell and Hades for all time… For as I Christ Jesus β€œSpoke” in the Gospel, you never knew me, and you never will...

    Johnny Exodice

    I know that my people the true {Children of God} are we the Children of The Spirits, and as we battle with these EVIL SPIRITS in the populations of all [U.N. Flags] beholden to these TV Screens of Sickness, Illusions, and Delusions, let the many remain LOST in their β€œchoices” to eat the meat of abused and tormented animals, so their minds remain insane, and let them inject these Pharmaceutical Potions of U-238 – Solvents – COVID19 of Racka…, and REMEMBER my people of Pak-Toe that In a real world, there would be no CLASSIFIED β€œMaterial” cause in OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition, we the people would have no need too lie β€œto one another” about what are in these COVAX Vaccines cause we would just {take them to labs} too be tested for the INGREDIENTS in them: just as all Food Products have INGREDIENTS on the label, but since these Vaccines are poison, they will never tell you: You’m are being β€œinjected” with Tainted Materials, and not a Cure for the True Sickness that is These People and Persons of the {Blind Leading} The Blind where these β€œPhysicians” do not even know how to do HEAL THY SELF!!! For you can not HEAL, nor save a Liar...

    The Society of nonmason~

    As The Conjuncture of {Jupiter and Saturn} do their thing with Pluto by their side as their guide, WE THE PEOPLE whom are the Descendants of the [INCUBATOR] Babies in this POST MUD FLOOD World must know by now, Our Kingdom or β€œHome” if you like, is not of this world…

    The Sentinel…


    You have every right to TEST The [Ingredients] of the COVID19 Vaccines "before" you inject them cause your Towns Leadership these MASONS live off of your TAXES, and your Taxes paid for the Lie Agreed Upon by all these MASONS in your home town. #JINX [{**}]

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