Deadly Plastic Knives (and other plastic weapons of choice)
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Cold Steel plastic less-than-lethal weapons pretty much rule. Covered here is the Koga SD1 and Shark Pen. Then give impact options for self-defense that won’t kill the guy if used correctly. Much information abounds about their training and use. These plastic strike and submission tools are tough and cost effective (see links below). While we are at it let’s look at Cold Steel FGX nylon knives and Delta Dart as well. Don’t kid yourself, these plastic blades, though light, could be deadly. Favorite versions for me are the Tanto and amazing, still, Taipan dagger. They serve in the Nutnfancy household and have for years. Other versions shown. Be careful where you take these; in secured areas you will be considered in possession of a weapon. Neverlheless, in many high moisture or weight critical applications they are cost effective ass kickers.
Cold Steel Tai Pan (the best!):
ASP Sentry 21” BATON with Tactical Scabbard (this version is tougher steel):
Cold Steel FGX Boot Blade I with Kraton Handle:
Cold Steel FGX Cat Tanto with Kraton Grip:
Cold Steel Delta Darts (Set of 2):
Cold Steel Delta Dart Neck Sheath:
Cold Steel FGX Push Dagger:
Cold Steel FGX Nightshade Karambit (nasty!), only $12: