#DavidKnightShow HR2: Great Resist Meets Globalists' Great Reset!
Humanity is awakening to the globalist agenda! On this Wednesday broadcast of The David Knight Show, we’ll examine the globalists’ “Great Reset” agenda and the ensuing resistance to that totalitarian technocracy. -- 03
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And The Commander Spoke…, You will want to get CLAY Flower Pots that fit over your gas Stoves, so if the POWER is down in their Planed DARK WINTER by these [U.N. Troops] @Qball~ /_\ in our Police, and Military in all “U.N. Flags” you and your children may not freeze…..., and you can also put POTS of Water on them PROPANE Stoves in your “kitchens” too Warm that Front Room where your kitchen is……., and Add Moisture by way of the {WATER VAPOR} in these dry winter days if the POWER goes down for days…..., and even weeks with all the Weather Weapon STORMS being created by our “Grey” Blue Skies filled with POLLUTION made by Their (THEY LIVE) MASONS Covid-19 Corporate TOXIC Sludge Waste poured and dumped into our Skies by all these {U.N. Masonic} U.S. FLAG Military bases in every [U.N FLAG] / * \ Occupied Nation by these [Machine People] and Their Synthetic PLASTICS as these Plastic People FAKE JEWS the {Zionist Jesuits} from the BOOK OF REVELATION have “their way” with their TV Screens…. Now is the time to “check” your PROPANE Gas Supplies, and Continue [too meet] Q’s in your Houses as we did in the {Book of ACTS} from the New Testament…. Christ Jesus RETURNED….
Remember, Remember, The 5th of December 2020 C.E. when [we nonmason] +=+ CITIZENS of all U.N. FLAGS tell these FREE MASON and their (U.N. Troops) too get out of our Countries Police, and Military Personnel……., and STOP all this [TOXIC WASTE] spraying of our “ONCE” BLUE SKIES, and making them this Grey Toxic Mix known as (Covid-19) World Wide Sky Pollution from ALL CORPORATION Capitalist “guilty” of WAR CRIMES Against all of WE THE PEOPLE “of and for” OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition…
The Rag Tag Rebellion~
NEVER FORGET [my nonmason] Q+ CITIZENS of your Flags THAT your {Town Leadership} all the way up to the PRESIDENTS, Parliaments, Congress, and Senates LIVE OFF OF “YOUR” Welfare Donations known as FORCED {Tax Collectors} and their COLLECTIONS as All OUR nonmason Towns are run by “them” whom live off of “OUR” Taxes known as [The Rich] and Famous PEOPLE in your Towns whom are all FREE MASON Lodge Members!!!
The Sentinel…