Darrin McBreen: The mainstream media refuses to cover medical experts’ warnings of severe vaccine side effects while Trump begins to push the establishment narrative on his supporters. Emerg
Darrin McBreen: The mainstream media refuses to cover medical experts’ warnings of severe vaccine side effects while Trump begins to push the establishment narrative on his supporters.
Emergency Message To Trump: COVID Vaccines Are Deadly Poison!

The Line Canada - End The Lockdown Protest

Trump= Crimes Against Humanity!!! Get ready people, we are on our OWN!

I wondered what side Trump was really on. Some true Christians hoped he was the real thing, but other true Christians knew he is nwo. I did not want to face the fact but I felt all along that he was nwo. No one is a billionaire without being okay'd by the nwo, period.

Pastor Billy Crone, The End of Humanity, Genetic Manipulation and Transhumanism Part 4, March 14, 2021. this is so incredible & yucky, too! Last hour is riveting. He shows what the elites are up to, tying in the vax. Wow!

When Ben Stein is thinking irrationally you know it’s bad.