Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove
06: Dark Secrets: Inside the Bohemian Grove documented the first ever hidden camera incursion into the Grove and the bizarre pagan ritual, the Cremation of Care, practiced by its members: all men, including both Presidents Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Colin Powell, and Henry Kissinger to name but a few.
For most of the Club's long history, the public could only speculate as to what these men were doing. Now the truth can finally be revealed. Discover the horror of the secret rituals and strange perversions engaged in at Bohemian Grove. Is this where your future and the destiny of the entire planet is decided?
Original Release: 2000

That you would believe ANY FREE MASON Lodge member at this point when they are all JADE HELM 15 (COVID19) U.N. Troops known as GLOBAL CITIZENS coming to take [all your food] and water now that you HUMANS have lost {all your jobs} to U.N. FLAGS world leader “Traitors” doing SEDITION and High Treason, not too mention all Their THEY LIVE Treachery against all we the REMAINING nonmason Human Populations in this Celestial Sphere REALM!!!!
You better [learn] +=+ THE PEOPLE ARE ALL GONE……., and “only we” the POST MUD FLOOD and “survivors” of THE GREAT NUCLEAR HYDROGEN WAR of 1853 to 1854 remain…
And just so you know these INTERNATIONALIST now call themselves THE INFLUENCERS!!! Fucking Machine People still walking among us my Romantic Warriors and these U.N. Troops must all be taken out no matter their age, skin tone, or Serialized {TRANNY YOUNG SEX} Retrofitted EYE COLOURS!!!!
At 00:32 is this the GENERATION of “Fools and Faggots” you want even my old school Homosexual Heterosexual Cock and Cunt Suckers to have your children and even your “grandchildren” INDOCTRINATED into the (W.H.O.) U.N. FLAGS of Fags {NEWS WORLD ORDER} TV MATRIX.?.?.?.? THIS IS THEIR WAYS!!!!!!!, not our ways……., and we “do not” OBEY – COMPLY – SUBMIT!!!! WE just do not wear MAKE UP or Cosmetics and Don’t “buy anything” from their Slave Jewelry to Clothing to Cars too Whatever!!!
WE WILL MAKE OUR OWN!!!! The 50 States FOR America!!!
The Grey Hats of the Green Coats of the Brown Gloves and the Black Shoes…