Dan Wesson Specialist Distressed Commander 1911 review & YB's Les Baer 1911's
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Contact Information:
*** Listed below are Sponsors of the BERETTA9mmUSA Channel ***
TT Gunleather Holsters - https://www.ttgunleather.com/
KORE Essentials:
EDC Gun Belts, USE code "B9USA" for 10% off your entire order @ https://www.koreessentials.com/
Zeta6 revolver speedloaders:
Altamont Company:
Decibel Defense:
- https://amzn.to/2HXQpZ4
LOK Grips:
The Best CZ, Beretta and 1911 G10 Grips - lokgrips.com
DPM Systems:
Use discount code "B9USA" for 10% off your entire DPM Systems order!
Tracker Safe
USE discount code "B9USA" for 10% off your entire order! @ trackersafe.com
Sportsman's Guide
Steel Target Link - https://alnk.to/2uyv4QN
Peltor shooting Earplugs - https://amzn.to/2JWbu7l
Tuff Products 8 round orange (standard revolver speed strip) - https://amzn.to/2YQ74lK
My Main (Favorite) Camera (Filming, Pictures and Audio) - https://amzn.to/2LYB9xZ
My Backup Camera (Filming, Pictures and Audio) - https://amzn.to/2Htkdey
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