Dabooh 7..!"Ignore No Soliciting Signs, Use Your Script": Biden's Door-Knocking Documents Revealed
Solicitation. Solicitors.. What are the dictionary meanings of these words.
Its in video. Copy paste n be armed with the actual meanings. 👀🇺🇸
We do not comply. Remember the words "they" use and use them yourself. ..to not get vahxed
"I am allergic to the SERUM!!!" 👀🇺🇸
As the Biden administration peddles its plan to send door-knocking missionaries across America to spread 'va x awareness' (and keep track of who's vaxed and who's not), White House-coordinated FEMA "surge teams" are being assembled to reinforce local efforts on the ground.-
Learn More: https://www.zerohedge.com/poli....tical/ignore-no-soli
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