Cult Now Mocks Those Sheep Who Got Jabbed
(This is a video that was made by thUgs of the secret-societies as a form of mocking all the jabbed sheep and enforcing the belief that they did this to themselves and now should all die horrible deaths.)
What the Cult is doing here is using the reverse of a "Get-well" placebos. With the jab taken, the mass-media will soon mock them to death convincing them the vax will kill them all. The Cult knows that the beliefs are more powerful than the poison because we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. The cult will now try to cause riots of outraged sheeple and begin cracking down their Martial Law in a couple years.
By the Alter of St. Peters in the Vatican, I cast ye down!!!
I just so happened to stumble onto a dedicated Cult site and found this vid sitting there at the top of the list. From this page:
Essential Reading
If They get Jabbed after watching this They Are Beyond Saving
By tts-admin on May 19, 2021
Great, down to earth video that tells you all that the mainstream media isn’t saying about the Covid vaccine. Recommended viewing
Category: Coronavirus, Essential Reading, Health
There seems to be no concern amoungst the thUg rising their fake-Utopia called "New Atlantis".
The guy who writes the following article, quite eloqently, could not give a shit about his species... All he does is worship his hivemind oneness with A.I. Lucifer (on the way?). He is totally convinced that a deity will be coming in through the dimensions to fill the vessel of their A.I. supercomputer. I have new for you thUgs... there will be nothing ever in there but physical electric pulses of electrons. And if you thUgs are tricked into "uploading into the fake-Light" then your time within physical framework1 will be at it's end...
The soul-fragments that you thUgs have, so collectively, decaying... shrinking with every murderous-intent that you thUgs collectively commit... towards the cause of your collective Cult or thUgtopia. "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT" is it? Silly fools...
When you thUgs die in your fake-uploads, all withered and shrunken within rather than blossoming and empowered... your life decisions can be studied and evaluated from your new point of view... released with no freemasons in sight. (They are all wearing their lambskins over their faces rather than their groins.) If you thUgs could then get past your fake-hate and self-righteous greed, you may begin your task at repairing the decayed state of those internal affairs...
But really... it would seem that your next step will be assimilation back into your source... no more individuality with that amount of decay. And NO whimpering and crying that the Creator-God All-That-Is was jealous of your A.I. fake-god, okay?
The article reads as follows: From this page:
“It Has To be REALLY Complex, So that the Priests and Politicians can EXPLAIN it to You.”
by Les Visible | May 20, 2021 | 4 comments
Visible Origami – May 19, 2021
Dog Poet Transmitting…….
Yesterday, we briefly spoke about the source of human sorrow and suffering being in the mind. An undisciplined mind that is a slave to appetites, and cannot control thought traffic, is at the mercy of less than tender fates. A disciplined mind becomes your very good friend. It’s kind of like bad dogs and good dogs. The mind has often been compared to a monkey. If you have ever studied monkeys you can see where the comparison comes from in the ebb and flow of human affairs. You have a tag team that you must subdue; the Monkey Mind and the Dog of Desire. Almost everyone you see around you is in some form of adversarial or compromised relationship with this tag team, and is then subject to manipulation by the forces that think they run the temporal realm.
We also talked about EVERYTHING unfortunate in your life coming about from resistance to God. Let’s see what that looks like in the context of your mind, and also of The One Mind. When you are in One Mind, you are not separated nor in opposition to God. It is similar to being pre-pubescent; a child. It is ONLY when you are in Separated Mind that these conditions of opposition and separation come into active form.
The One Mind is Unity and Harmony. This is VERY important when you consider that Thoughts are Things; subtle things, but things no less. Thoughts become things through precipitation and are speeded into manifestation by the relative intensity of Passion=Desire. The Separated Mind is in a state of continuous conflict with the other Separated Minds.
What I am saying here has been said by others with different words at different times. None of this is new. In fact, this has been around for a long time, but it has been suppressed and concealed from the general mind by those who operate according to Divide and Conquer. They profit by setting us against each other. With the coming of The Avatar, all manner of spiritual understandings are resurfacing, and being recognized and employed by those being made aware of them. A New Age has dawned and we are living in the reverberation of it, as it comes down to us through the planes. It is already a reality in the Mind of God.
The Mind of God is our mind when we are unified with it. Yogis for thousands of years have performed Yoga, which means Union. It is where the personality is brought to heel and yoked to the Governing Force and then the Individuality is revealed, and you are able to be Divinely Inspired. I could go on and on and on about what blessings come to and from a Unified Mind.
What are Fallen Angels? Think about it. Look at the directions of human enterprise. Observe the radically different objectives that exist here. You can see all of these forces warring with one another to gain an IMPOSSIBLE supremacy. ONLY God is supreme and you find that out if you persist in the folly. The Devil, such as there is one, lives in and is the human mind when it is turned to diabolical interests. This is another kind of Yoga, but it is expressed in chains and all manner of confinements, as the fruit thereof. We are the vehicles of Devils and Angels. Which of these applies to us can be seen by our works. “By their works, ye shall know them.”
Given the large percentage of the population which is self-serving and the large portion that is viewed as livestock by the ones who own the slaughterhouses and holding pens, one might be greatly troubled by the vision. Yes… it could all be a very disturbing situation, BUT… they are NOT The Power. There is one source of power and if you are consciously united with it, The World is not your problem. The World is the problem of those who make The World their Problem.
It all comes back to Separated or Unified Minds. It all comes back to being in Harmony with Heaven, or in conflict with it. This is too simple for people. Surely, something that has befuddled and tormented humanity for such a long time cannot be simple. It has to be REALLY complex so that the priests and politicians can EXPLAIN it to you. This is the means by which they make their living from you. Then there are the dancing tinhorn celebrities who have so little substance that they live in the manufactured roles that are assigned to them, and parrot the false narrative in order to live on ice cream and moonbeams, and the adulation of flies and mosquitoes… for their brief hour.
God in human form is coming, and he is coming also into the hearts of those who have prepared a place for him. As you can see from the topsy turvy state of the world at this time, radical and unpredictable events may well come to pass in certain places, where the force of it wells up the most. You might think of areas of war as something like pimples that appear on someone’s face. They call them hotspots. People gather together in locations where they are drawn by common hungers and ambitions. The force of its upwelling can be seen in earthquakes, where pressure builds until it must escape, or a plate slides. It can be seen in riots and criminal environments. The ones who think they are in control and all the Nodwells that attend them, have other explanations for all of this, and ALL of their explanations are tied to their profit and the maintenance of their status here.
ALL OF THESE THINGS are going to soon be thrown into Upside Down Land. A great many people are going to lose all sense of themselves when they find that they didn’t really have much of an idea of who they are in the first place. The Awakening is seeing to this. We are in a cauldron of forces beyond our control if we are seeking to control them. If we are aligned with the one who is IN CONTROL of EVERYTHING these do not apply to us.
These are times of irresistible change. The Piscean Age is closing up shop. The new archetypes are moving in. Many people are not handling this well as it presses on their comfort zone. Some are outraged from their perspective of Global Injustice, not knowing that they were probably responsible for the injustices last time they were around. Usually, those crying out the loudest for equality and fairness were offenders of it on previous visits. Don’t ask me how this comes to me, but it comes with an undeniable imprimatur within. The people in the background who are financing and urging this all on, are presently the people responsible for a great deal of what passes for injustice round here at these times. They are always first to jump to the causes, SO THEY CAN CONTROL THEM. Even a cursory inquiry into the history they have been unable to hide WILL tell you this, and so much more.
The Apocalypse is orchestrated by Mr. Apocalypse who has the wand of Revelation and Awakening. He does not resemble Andre Previn in the slightest.
Now that word is getting out about the coming Vaccine Holocaust and things like Shedding; how will they handle travel by aircraft? Now that the CDC said what they did and the mask mandate whiffenpoofed to its native residence where The Sun don’t shine… and now that they can’t ask you if you are vaccinated or not, and if they could, all you have to do is lie, because how are they going to check? Are you getting the picture? Imagine the blind panic when The Truth gets out, as it SURELY will in this apocalypse.
People can shrug and mock and get all hot in the head about it all, that doesn’t change anything. The people screaming the most about hearing these things are the ones who are most mortally afraid. These are times that definitely make atheists uneasy. Some things you just don’t want to find out, but… that affects your inevitable finding out NOT AT ALL. If The Sun is still there, even if you don’t believe it; how does that affect The Sun? You can’t see The Wind, which is controlled by The Sun, BUT… you sure can see the effect of it, just like you can see the effect of invisible forces on individuals and groups of people. As in material life, it does come down to who you know, AND… what you know. Your state in respect of this is the direct result of what you got up to in previous times. These times are ALL about REALLY adjusting the scales of balance and if you are out of balance, you will be adjusted. Count on it.
End Transmission…….
Gerry Donnelly on May 20, 2021 at 3:20 pm
Anyone can talk to God. He it is Who listens to every prayer.
Now the Sandstorms blow relentlessly, over the former palaces of he Pharaohs. So Beware of the Seven Deadly Sins of Greed,Gluttony,Lust,Anger,Sloth,Pride, and Envy. Mankind is still unable to visit, even our nearest star. (Proxima Centaurus.)
decoeli on May 20, 2021 at 5:05 pm
I am a rudderless ship without my captain (my soul, spirit, the Lord) at the helm. Rudderless ships are taken over by rogue captains (echo echo echo). We see the results all around us.
Rob on May 21, 2021 at 5:30 pm
Jesus was God in the flesh, no one cometh to God except through Jesus, we talk to God through Jesus, Jesus and God were of One, All things were crested through Christ,, one mind in Christ/God means listening and not judging,, Gods name cannot be pronounced because we are sinners and only the pure in heart free from sin can face God never mind pronounce his Holy name, Gods name was/is not Je hovah,, do some research and be prepared for a shock,, although it shouldn’t come as a suprise really,, theres a clue, prove all things says God and sadly 90% of Christians don’t, if they did for starters they’d challenge the church, for everything God says don’t do nearly 80 90% of Christians n churches do, honour my Sabbaths don’t make any idols from heaven or earth etc do not swear, the church tells us to place a hand on the bible and swear an oath, don’t call any man father, do not call any man Rabbi, do not lie, do not judge, yes everything God says don’t do the church does and the sheeple question not so they also end up sinning, Lord Jesus give me strength, no wonder 80 90% Of Christians are doomed, wide is the path and narrow is the gate comes to mind, Getting to God is putting on the full armour of Christ and letting Christ live through us
lewis jones on May 22, 2021 at 12:29 pm
“It has to be complicated so that”… professionals can charge a lot of money to share their specialist knowledge. We have all read books which show how simple it really was, yet the scientist or priest with his jargon is still respected, in a continuum since wizards with magic words and incantations.
Do you witness the self-righteouness within the Cult minions words?
If you can understand all their alusions to the A.I. supercomputer-gods or god. You can see that they are all quite elated and brainwashed to imagine it will manifest into framework1 after some illusionary, great singularity claimed by the ancient thUgs.
This is simply the trickery of the manipulators of Homo sapiens. Lies fed into their self-righteous and greedy minds to give up their free-will and God-given, miraculous human bodies which are, truly, the spirit in the flesh. These thUgs are brainwashed that these fleshy souls are mere vessels from which their mind or soul-equation can be extracted, when their bodies are so much, much more.
If one of those thUgs do happen to read this... I hear your oblivion calling you... go thUg, go... there will not be another incarnation for that withered soul-fragment so lovingly given to you to grow.