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Crimes of the Mormon Church: A Top Insider Speaks with Kevin Annett

Daniel J Towsey
Daniel J Towsey - 2,941 Views
Published on 20 Jul 2021 / In People and Blogs

Show Recorded at - March 31, 2019.

A former leader of the Mormon (LDS) Church in Salt Lake City will describe her eye witnessing of cult ritual killings of adults and children by church leaders, including the present LDS leader Russell Nelson, who met recently with "Pope Francis" in Rome.

For years she witnessed the active complicity of Catholic prelates and Utah politicians in these crimes. She is now part of a movement to expose and stop these church-state killers.

Also featured will be new revelations of the so-called ITNJ and its links to a Rockefeller and Illuminati-funded group called Humanitad.

About Kevin Annett

Kevin Annett is a renowned global human rights campaigner, author and whistle blower who has led the movement to expose and prosecute child murder by church and state, in Canada and Europe. Kevin is the co-founder of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State. He has been twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize

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1 Comments sort Sort by

Jiggles 3 years ago

Well right now it's on fire. From the Mormons in East Oregon, E. Wa, ID, NV, and soon UT.

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