COVID vaccines approved for CHILDREN in largest demonic child sacrifice BLOOD RITUAL in the history of the world
COVID vaccines approved for CHILDREN in largest demonic child sacrifice BLOOD RITUAL in the history of the world
Situation Update, Oct 30th, 2021 - COVID vaccines approved for CHILDREN in largest demonic child sacrifice BLOOD RITUAL in the history of the world
Owned by Pfizer criminal FDA approves kill shots for kids - fucking satanic assholess - hope you all will burn in hell!
When 5 year olds are mandated to receive injections or face not attending schools, MILLIONS of parents will submit and obey, that is a simple fact. Unlike 99.9% of you cowards reading this, I NEVER complied with any mandates and NEVER wore a Satanic muzzle!
And anyone putting that in their Child is fucking weak & deserve the Pain they will receive