Covid-19 Vaccinated Cases And Reported Deaths Also May Be Creating Variants & Losing Effectiveness.mp4
Covid-19 Vaccinated Cases And Reported Deaths Also May Be Creating Variants & Losing Effectiveness
The Last American Vagabond

There are many things we still need to work out with the EYES of these Machine People on the TV Screens whom come from [INVETRO] Qballs~ /_\ Birth Making Technicians: where An Egg from a Human Female is taken, and then the Sperm of a Human Male is taken, and put into a Tray of Alchemy aka Sorcery……., and though we hear the word BLACK Magic, it is not the same as Bad, or Dark Magic, so when you hear of the “Children” being made in the WOMB of the 3rd Person, or 3rd Party if youm comprehend Legalizes…….., thence we are going to put more of a Perspective as to what is happening to Children made in a LABORATORY aka {Alchemist Children} [{**}] or GOLEM PEOPLE by way of Code + Magic + Alchemy = The EYES of Sorcery made (nonhumans) of Hollywood TV Shows whom in all other ways act as we Real Humans’ made by way of INTERCOURSE where the Pineal Glad or Third Eye if you like TRANSFERS the Genetic SOUL Code of our Mother, and our Father making us people with Souls; unlike, The Fake Jews of Hollywood on these “TV Screens” whom have no SOULS because THEY LIVE are not made in the Natural Ways as all sexually made life forms brings about the Transfer of our Mom and Dads [3rd Eye] +=+ into our Beings long before Birth making WE ARE the child of Birth Parents whilst` those taken from the Female and The Male did not have (the ability) [{*}] too achieve REAL HUMAN Transfer of the Pineal Glands SOUL making Energy especially because the Children are Born {of a 3rd Person} that was neither the Original Female, nor the Original Male.…
Pineal – Soul Developing Energy
Developing pineal gland
Adult pineal body
Pineal gland position
The pineal gland (epiphysis cerebri) has an important role in the sleep/wake daily cycle (circadian), high melatonin plasma levels at nighttime and very low levels at daytime, and reproductive development. The gland is thought to evolutionarily to have been positioned as to be exposed to light, and hence remains a regulator of cyclic rhythms associated with day/night and day length. The pineal hormone (melatonin) has targets both in the nervous system and in many different peripheral tissues. Melatonin synchronises circadian rhythms acting through the two G-protein-coupled receptors (MT1, MT2) in the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus.
The embryo and fetus pineal does not produce significant amounts of melatonin, though has abundant tissue receptors. The maternal pineal gland produces melatonin in the normal circadian fashion and this melatonin can cross both the placenta and blood-brain barrier. In other species, maternal melatonin crosses the placenta into fetal circulation and may provide photoperiodic information during fetal development that influences later postnatal circadian (daily day/night) and seasonal (day length) rhythms. The pineals of non-mammalian vertebrates are photoreceptive, whereas those of mammals do not normally respond to directly light. Pineal blood supply is derived from the posterior cerebral artery choroidal branches and through the pineal recess is bathed in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
The melatonin levels in premature infants is lower and delayed, but not different when calculated from conception date. Other factors such as preeclampsia, growth restriction, and nursery lighting can cause altered rhythm development. The same study has also shown that full-term infants born at home and full-term twins born in the hospital had significantly lower metabolite excretion levels than hospital-born singleton infants at the same ages despite similar body weights.[1] Allopregnanolone, a pineal neurosteroid, acts on the cerebellum supporting survival Purkinje cell by suppressing caspase-3 expression.[2]
Postnatally in humans, the melatonin levels may act on clock gene expression in the pars tuberalis of the anterior pituitary for photoperiodic switching. Melatonin also has important functions related to the program timing of puberty. Note that there are many clinical studies investigating the possible role of melatonin in diverse health areas, from oxygen starvation at birth through to neural effects in old age.