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COV-ID-19 is BOLSHEVIK RUSSIAN Passport Standard

njthemarksman - 226 Views
Published on 03 Sep 2021 / In Health

As it was in Soviet Russia, so it is in the West, Europe and the formerly free nations today. Through fear of s survival flu, guilt over the health of others, and the threat of violence against self whether soft or in police brutality for “refusal to [comply], comrade”, the Red Revolution arose once more and commanded all slaves-of-state to register their existence voluntarily in order to participate in daily life.

To forcibly participate in a medical experiment on an annual basis in exchange for state privileges (freedom and liberty were extinguished vernacular even in the state controlled schools).

Liberty died with talk and lack of unction to act on whatever true law the people held but were never educated to weaponise as per their birthright of the fighting fathers before them, instead contenting themselves with endless appeal and traditions of peace to deaf ears and violent hands only too keen to kill them for speaking out, the misappropriation of response and ill-timed use of diplomacy— the West, as bastion of freedom, seemed dead under COVID, and without extreme force to resist the spread of legal and medical malevolence, malice and violence at the helm of Communist-style Passports, state and regional, there would be no escape from this medical, tyrannical world order where the Nazi doctor, through the corpse of Western medicine, speaks once more to our collective treated-as-though-Jewish corporately-registered to mega-corporate “government” mortal bodies.. the Communist weapon of social incorporation (the de-valuing of the human being), had both begun and was already seen as having taken hold.

Or is this to turn around NOW?

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