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Countdown to Meltdown

Freedom on Deck
Freedom on Deck - 777 Views
Published on 29 Mar 2021 / In News and Politics

As the clock ticks forward, more evidence of voter fraud becomes public knowledge, more laws are passed to protect the integrity of our elections, more courage is contagious, the more the left-wing cabal has a total meltdown! Join Freedom on Deck as we laugh at them alongside our great guests Dan Wos, Jack Cashill and Paul Sutliff.
Our live shows can be heard every Sunday from 3 to 5 PM EST on local radio FM station Fox News 94.9 WJJF - covering Connecticut, Rode Island and Long Island, NY. Listen live from - and find the archives there and on most video platforms, and on Spotify!
Email Chet and Brian at [email protected]
Email CV at [email protected]
Alpha Eye – novel by CV Berton available on Amazon.

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