Cop suspicious of the Black Lights in a big open parking lot. It is theorized that the lights will eventually be used for identifying the vaccinated & the unvaccinated. Second clip shows the
CR NEWS - 800 Views
Published on 29 Aug 2021 / In News and Politics
Cop suspicious of the Black Lights in a big open parking lot. It is theorized that the lights will eventually be used for identifying the vaccinated & the unvaccinated. Second clip shows the same type of lights while driving on the road.
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marcko mcjsouzsn
4 years ago
This is the kind of cop every city needs...a patriot first!!!!!!!
BTW anybody driving by this shit, shoot em out of socket...
These guys, these global fucks can eat my ass and suck some dick with it!!! Bowls of dicks!!!
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4 years ago
wouldn't put it past "them", "they" have been planning this for decades.
saw it late 80's when all the big box store windows became concrete.
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