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Constitution 101 - Lecture 1 of 3.mp4

DarlnDar - 296 Views
Published on 14 Mar 2021 / In News and Politics

Let's get back to the "Basics of Life & Teach our children well..." Hillsdale College also offers "FREE COURSES" to your children as to what Our Country really was/is made of! Might I reiterate that these courses are all offered "FREE" to you & your children. Any student that attends Hillsdale College located in Michigan "must take" our Country's Historical Doctrine that she was built upon! An extraordinary College that believe in These United States Of America! Please visit: To sign up for any offered courses of yours, & your children's needs/desires. The online College Courses keep track of all your hard work & test scores etc... Please don't pass this up for your Children & their Children's future. We are "losing this Country" and RAPIDLY! We must stand up through knowledge. "IT (KNOWLEDGE) IS POWER!"

"Hillsdale College"

Learn the meaning of the Constitution and the principles of American government in this new version of Hillsdale's most popular course. Visit to begin your course today.

"The form of government prescribed by the Constitution is based on the timeless principles of the Declaration of Independence. These two documents establish the formal and final causes of the United States and make possible the freedom that is the birthright of all Americans." hc

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AlfredNewman 3 years ago

The institute of higher indoctrination, Hillsdale College, is an institute of the dumbing down of the nation. First, the Declaration of Independence is not about freedom but as Mather Byles stated at the time, β€œWhich is better β€” to be ruled by one tyrant three thousand miles away or by three thousand tyrants one mile away?”. Well the Declaration was about the three thousand tyrants which included the signers of the document. The best explanation is from the 1776 Constitution of North Carolina, "And whereas, the Continental Congress having considered the Premises, and other previous Violations of the Rights of the good People of America, have therefore declared, that the Thirteen United Colonies are of Right wholly absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, or any other foreign jurisdiction whatsoever, and that the said Colonies are, and forever shall be, free and independent States. Wherefore, in our present State, in order to prevent Anarchy and confusion, it becomes necessary that Government should be established in this State;..."
Then came the coup of 1787 where 77 delegates were chosen of which only 55 attended, not to amend the Confederation set up by the mind control tyrants "one mile away" but to commit to a political coup. Of the 55 attendees, 14 had resigned in disgust and of the remaining 41, three had refused to sign, William Blount was convinced to sign by a fraud and Hamilton signed illegitimately as the New York delegation had withdrawn, leaving only 37.
So the Declaration of Independence had nothing to do with freedom, but local tyrannical control and the so called "Constitution" was but a political coup for the purpose of mercantilism, fraud and deceit instilled by a national government.
Hillsdale College does not teach history, it does not know what history entails even thought the information is available for all to know if one wants. For a reference to the coup of 1787, Murray Rothbard's "Conceived in Liberty, Volume V, The New Republic, 1784 - 1791".

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