COLLAPSE: British Reporter Exposes Globalist Plot To Destroy The West With Immigration
Jack Hadfield joins Tom Pappert to discuss the global battle taking place as immigration to the west is being abused on multiple levels.

infowar is part of buckingham propaganda mentioning "british" instead of english-scottish-irish-welsh
"british" is united kingdom dogma trying to federate ireland, scotland, wales below "brit"
buckingham united kingdom of germany is not england, scotland, ireland, wales

alqaeda : kaelad : gaelak : gaelic : wales : charles and diana
al qa-eda : al fayed
it fits york, w and biden dyslexic brain unable to spell "alfayed" reversing it as "alqaeda"

alqaeda : algaed : al fayed
bin laden : big ben : ben lady : lady di : ben laden : ben lady di

quetta hosting lady di, ben laden, imran khan and soetoro : coincidence ?

911 hoax was media fake news symbolizing that w was trafficked between 9 and 11 years old, but fbi diverted mi6 dyslexic code and staged bill-qaeda instead of busting nbc and fox