CNN MOCKED For Hilariously Bad Segment As The Network Is In TOTAL COLLAPSE Without Trump!!
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Death by hanging for Traitors has Been our Country's and other country's history and Tradition of punishment for Treason./ Traitors….(Still practiced in many country's today) FOR THE VERY LACK of this Just Punishment is the Sole Reason..our OBESE Gov has become a Breeding Grounds For Tyrannical Criminals! USMC..out in 73"

I do not believe in nice American words..Name Tags..like democrat ..rhino's liberals far left and right progressive's conservatives ETC. Anymore.... THERE IS A TON OF THEM!! there is only 2 people in this country and one Disease......There Are God Enabled "PATRIOTS" and There Are the TRAITORS with their "Useful Idiots"!!! The Disease?.... ALL the Radical Islam and Illegal Invaders in this Country ! IN a Nutshell!
ALL Those name tags..is just..Holly-Treason-Wood

IF there is one thing I Cannot Stand..Is A Cuck Defeatist!

WE THE PEOPLE" Are Slamming On The Brakes....ON A DIME!!! WHAT AMERICANS should have Done...65 PLUS Years ago, When Satanic Criminals In our judicial System..REMOVED GOD, and OUR Pledge of Allegiance..FROM OUR SCHOOLS!!