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civilians from Gaza followed the Hamas terrorists to the Nir Oz Kibbutz to loot during the massacre

true conservative minutes
Published on 26 Oct 2023 / In News and Politics

civilians from Gaza followed the Hamas terrorists to the Nir Oz Kibbutz to loot during the massacre

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AK Kulis
AK Kulis 1 year ago

They got one thing right.
The government was in on it, left them for dead.
What the media DOESN'T tell us is that the day after it happened was to be 800K Israelis demonstrating in the street against Nentanyahu. He is a Zionist & sacrificed his own - forced over 95% of them to get the shot.
The Loosh it creates - suffering & death - feeds demons. & he serves demons.
Look into it all. Israel (like China- the gov't, NOT the ppl) has done a lot of evil, murderous, sneaky shit & Palestinians are sick of it. Unfortunately, they're pretty barbaric too.
I will not take sides - so much bad acting on both sides - now that fake Biden bastard will be sending OUR $$ & ppl there to die. They don't even hide the funding of both sides. Fcking Obama runs it all & everyone knows it.
FOR WHAT?? Keeping the southern border open & importing ARMIES OF MILITARY AGE MEN is part of it too.
So many false flags. So obvious. Do the research. half of it isn't even real - he kept saying "bodies".
I SAW NO BODIES. & how many women do we have to see telling us what happened to their families while SMILING & WITH NO TEARS in their eyes?
So stupid.

How else can you start WW3?
How else can you get us to support sending more of our $$ out of the country?
We are SICK of Ukraine & all that bullsht. Zelensky wanted to negotiate peace (give up) & American politicians weren't finished laundering money, the military industrial complex wasn't finished making & selling war equipment, etc.
Why they hated Trump so much - all the $$ making stopped if he made peace. And the deaths? Sacrifices to Satan

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