Chris Cuomo Gets Away From Sexual Harassment Accusations Because He’s A Democrat
More evidence that the Democrats are not held at the same standards as the rest of us.

The Preponderance of Life is not what you think…
Lest we forget my Rag Tag Rebellion of and for OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition Stratocracy that WE ARE in Purgatory to relive the MEMORY one last time of Whom Done What that turned our Home World Celestial Sphere into the Dead Moon called the Awful Horror in the New Testament Jewish Gospels, we too can be swayed to bow down to SATAN, so we never go home whence we die, and be trapped in a Nightmare of our own making because we would not Trust in the Spirits of our Human God being the Source of All Creation and All Destruction…
It is true that these COVID-19 injections are the Blood and Plasma of Fallen Angels known as the word Demons, and that the vast majority of people here in Purgatory think they are in the Hell of Hades, so THEY LIVE do evil, and wicked, vile "things" too please The Devil Lucifer: when no where in the Old nor New Testament does it speak of Satan being what is presented by these FAKE JEWS of Hollywood USA from the Book of Revelation!!!
We know the Byzantine EMPIRE Still stands behind the Masquerade of the UNITED NATIONS General Assembly of Agenda 21 of and for Agenda 2030 and that ALL CORPORATIONS from McDonald’s to Star Bucks to Chick fil a are one with the EVIL ONES whom seek to impose RULE OF LAW that are not upheld by the CONSTITUTION of our U.N. FLAG but then again our U.N. FLAGS are just more CORPORATION INTERNATIONALIST with their U.N. Troops in our Police and Military known as the Battlestar GALACTICA "Centurions" in the New Testament Jewish Gospels…
Through this INTERNATIONALISM of Corporate Citizen DEBT SLAVES of Global Citizens Medicated "Militant" Mindless Menticide IMMUNITY PASS PORTS for the massses........., we have Murder for hire known as "G4S" Black Rock Academy where Mercenaries are all the Military of any Nation CORPORATION has ever been from the U.S. WAR FLAG this "Act of 1871" WAR IS MURDER Lifestyle as the World Police of Peacekeepers on this side of FLAT EARTH in our Shared Celestial Sphere where God being the Source of All Creation and All Destruction is now separating the Wheat from the Tares of those and them that "sowed" WEEDS into our Minds as INCUBATOR BABIES in 1893 AD after the MUD FLOOD WARS ended in 1855 AD ….
Do not allow these U.N. Troops being the FREE MASON Lodge Members in your Home Towns to INJECT you with the Blood of Devils and Demons when you know I Christ Jesus Returned use this Host of Host body to communicate all knowledge of this Shared Dream we all keep waking up as one people of one mind TOGETHER…
Know that most people on this plain are INVETRO Machine People made in Corporate Capitalist Laboratories and they are all going Sterile, and these INJECTIONS will sterilize you my naturally made children of Mothers and Fathers in the Proper Sexual way….
The Holy Bible has been changed extensively, and as The Oracle for the End of an Age, I am able to put it back together, so you can see what it means, and now we know as we see the MERCHANT SHIPS from the Book of Revelation are this RED DRAGON of Made In China doing a U.N. Military "Blockade" for the next phase of AI called: ALL THE WORLD IS A STAGE, and The Show must go on till the end of time in 2094 CE
#YellowROSE ?
You must know what happened that allowed this Celestial Sphere to be “destroyed” when this Byzantine Empire long before 7530 BZ aka 2021 CE Ripped Open the Sky……., and WE THE PEOPLE all screamed!!!!
The Sky is FALLING!!!!