China Already Establishing Itself as the NWO's Policing Authority(Freemasonry Assists Everywhere)
Tyranny is pushed with deception and lies. They hire the most pathetic thUgs to help their success... like Freemasons like CCP.
Freemasonry is assisting in establishing a NWO high-tech policing to silence any type of dissent to tyranny.
For decades in the "Free" West... Freemasons and thUgs were already using brainchips, energy weapons, character assassination, gangstalking that was all kept hidden.
Here we see the use of public deception and lies (upheld by Masonic police) to support the NWO CCP authority over the countries around the world.
China is being used as a cover for Masonic/Luciferian efforts to establish a stronger NWO in your country... it is likely done by the local Masonic goon-force blaming the CCP instead as their scape-goat for organized terrorism upon their own citizens.
The prosperity of China is the direct result of the Masonic treachery against the prosperity of the USA and the West. Hind-sight is 20-20, but sheeple are only looking for the next patch of delicious grass.