Chicago Mayor Demands Gov't Administrators Pledge Allegiance To “The New World Order”
The Mayor of Chicago is blowing her elitist dog whistle.

Routing Number F Atlanta (6th District) 061010014-6
You might only get to do this once, but you can {TRANSFER MONEY} from your FEDERAL RESERVE ACCOUNT using just your “Social Security” Number!!! Good luck to all in ALT as this is the Routing Number……., I may do it at some future date…..., but As (The King) /_\ of Angels and Demons / * \ make at least one “Mega” Purchase….., so they have to SHUT DOWN ALL [SOCIAL SECURITY] FEDERAL RESERVE ACCOUNTS and “freemason” lodge members can no longer get money [for free] +=+ in this way!!!!!
P.S. Make sure you “download” this VIDEO [{**]] and it “applies” to all U.N. FLAGS!!!! Get your Taxes back ASAP [{*}]!!!!
The Society of nonmason~
JADE HELM 15 is the name of the “Artificial Intelligence” that was used in 2015 and is still in use right now in 2020 C.E. !!! I am still getting out of my house and see no Military or NATIONAL GAURD!!! The people “are all gone” cause THE EDISON is turned off or {Blown Up} by The Rag Tag Rebellion!!!!
The Green Hat`