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Chemtrails Madrid España 160920.mp4

jhonsmith007 - 1,377 Views
Published on 16 Sep 2020 / In Non-profits and Activism

#STOPchemtrails DEMOSTRAMOS la relacion entre CHEMTRAILS-CADMIO metales pesados y el COVID
BOE legaliza fumigarte
20A CHEMTRAILS otra vez SANCHINFLAS te fumiga tras publicarlo en el BOE, VIVA LA RESISTENCA¡¡¡.mp4
afectacion a los riñones

cadmio y coagulacion sanquinea

cadmio y replicacion del virus de la gripe
Lesiones musculares

The material used for these videos, is illustrative and/ or educational purposes. All images, music and video are the rightful property of their original, assotiated sources.They are used in this video strictly for educational purposes only.

Fair use is a legal doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. It is one type of limitation and exception to the exclusive rights copyright law grants to the author of a creative work. Examples of fair use in copyright law include commentary, criticism, research, news reporting, parody, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, library archiving, search engines

It provides for the legal, unlicensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author’s work under a four-factor balancing test.

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Atenea.atm 4 years ago

Pedro sanchez no eso en. En un boe del año 83,u 84 donde dice que solo el gobierno puede manipular el clima,si fue el psoe pero no pedrito

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jhonsmith007 4 years ago

SI fue pedrito y el gobierno del PSOE-podemos quien dio autorizacion para fumigarnos con la excusa del covid

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jhonsmith007 4 years ago

Orden SND/351/2020, de 16 de abril hay que leerse los enlaces

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jhonsmith007 4 years ago

#STOPchemtrails DEMOSTRAMOS la relacion entre CHEMTRAILS-CADMIO metales pesados y el COVID
BOE legaliza fumigarte
20A CHEMTRAILS otra vez SANCHINFLAS te fumiga tras publicarlo en el BOE, VIVA LA RESISTENCA¡¡¡.mp4
afectacion a los riñones

cadmio y coagulacion sanquinea

cadmio y replicacion del virus de la gripe
Lesiones musculares

The material used for these videos, is illustrative and/ or educational purposes. All images, music and video are the rightful property of their original, assotiated sources.They are used in this video strictly for educational purposes only.

Fair use is a legal doctrine that permits limited use of copyrighted material without acquiring permission from the rights holders. It is one type of limitation and exception to the exclusive rights copyright law grants to the author of a creative work. Examples of fair use in copyright law include commentary, criticism, research, news reporting, parody, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, library archiving, search engines

It provides for the legal, unlicensed citation or incorporation of copyrighted material in another author’s work under a four-factor balancing test.

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