Chaos! Firefighters Battle Blaze for Two Days after Taiwan Factory Explosion.mp4
Published on 23 Dec 2020
'Chaos! Firefighters Battle Blaze for Two Days after Taiwan Factory Explosion'
An explosion at a pharmaceutical factory in Taiwan has left at least one dead and more injured as firefighters tackled the flames for two days straight.
The blast on Sunday is thought to have been the result of a chemical leak that continued to feed the fire before it was brought under control on Tuesday.
A 30-year-old migrant worker from the Philippines died in hospital after suffering third-degree burns to 90 percent of his body.

The Portals in mine Eyes…
If you could see what I see……., I think we would “all see” this world is so much more then just a Holographix Virtual Reality… For eons WE THE PEOPLE have played {A Video Game} we the masses have no say in…….., and those whom [control] /-\ this game are no more Miracle Workers then you’m nor I……..., These FREE MASON (Lodge Members) Qballs~ /_\ just blew up the whole wide world in Their Great Nuclear Hydrogen War of 1853 to 1854 that ended in 1855…..., and by way of MENTAL Asylums and RED FLAG LAWS [all nonmason] people in Business….., Religions…., Governments..., and {Schools of Thoughts} have been Taken out.., and “replaced” with MASONS where MASONS now run all [News Media] from Ink on Paper Print to the CAST., and CREW, and Instinctual “Texts” for Every Screen Play from Broadway to your “Local” TV Screens News Actors and Actresses doing their {daily lies} of Malfeasance and Misdirection as these MASONS try to hold onto their WORLD of [Banks and Ghettos] where CORPORATIONS run the U.N. FLAG and the COVAX Deadly COVID19 “Virus” INJECTIONS for the Word Vaccine: does not mean cure, it means INFECTION, and {we the people} are too become The Infected…
Now all Books are written with a PURPOSE of do what I say: from the TALMUD of these FAKE JEWS the Zionist to the Canonical in the ROMAN CATHOLIC “JESUITS” PAPAL LAW, and in a world where we are told LAW and ORDER matter, everyone “Breaks” The LAW of Thou Shall not Kill, and Thou Shall Not Lie when we [VOLUNTEER] To do WAR IS MURDER… Moreover, our whole HUMAN Population “be we” MASONS or nonmason as Fellow U.N. Citizens of our Fellow U.N. FLAGS have all been [renamed] CONSUMERS in the Central Banks of Gold and Silver being the Value, but not the VIRTUE [of mankind] be we MALE and FEMALE’ and as every Man Made RELIGIONS has tried to make we MALES hate and {treat the Womb} of the FEMALE as something less then a MALE, it is the Wombman whom gives birth to [we the people] [{**}] be we MALE OR FEMALE, and without the Wombmen, there would be no “MEN” in this mankind, and yet, the RELIGIONS – Corporations – Military Militant Schools of Thoughts say: Mothers are Weak, and Fathers are Strong, so do more ABORTIONS of your Blood Lines, but I have never seen a Husband carry a baby in their “Body” for 9 fucking months!!!
Do you see the Sky??? Do you know stars used to be called ANGELS in Heaven??? Did you know before that: we called them Astrons for Astronomy, and even older we called these Lights, and Orbs, and Luminaries of our Celestial Sphere {SKY CLOCK} in the Firmament of the DOME OF THE ROCK Asters that became the “Great” Disaster when WE THE PEOPLE let TV SCREEN Science make Weapons called ROCKETS to the Moon that are [nothing more] then ICBM Weapons of Mass Destruction, and that our RELIGIONS became CORPORATIONS that “Control” the FLAGS of our U.N. Citizens Governments, and that THEY LIVE are the “Military” militants and TERRORIST of these U.N. Troops and their {U.N. MILITARY EMPIRE} where we have Spies in all U.N. FLAGS called FREE MASON Lodge Members ready to do CONTACT TRACING…..., and come knock on your door to tell the FREE MASON C.O.P.S. of the U.S. FLAG [World Police] that you’m need to be taken to the FEMA CAMPS in “Alex Jones” JADE HELM 15 renamed COVID 19 in masonic code???
What does all of this mean to you whom get these COVID19 [Survivor Checks] / * \ and get to drive your cars {day and night} as Company after Company, and Local Business get LOCKED DOWN, and Shut down too OUT OF BUSINESS forever: by your local “free mason” lodges in OUR WORLD REPUBLIC CONSTITUTION Coalition??? It means you will [STAY HOME] even after you get the INJECTIONS of Uranium 238….., so these MASONS of the WHO and CDC can contact trace your BODY with all these 5G Microwave Invisible “Bubble” Cell Towers, and even if you “ditch” your phone and all tech, and live like a Nigger with a Red Neck my nonmason…., These “MASONS” will have the Frequencies of every Flesh, and Blood, and Bones Body TEMPLE “Avatar” too {track and trace} +=+ you no matter where you run: as Logan 5 and Jessica 6, and We The Rag Tag Rebellion thought you Stupid Mason CHILDREN in “Childcare” should know this…. COVAX is A Mathmatical mechanical Genetically Tangent CODE + Magix + Aclhcemy = SORCERY [A.I.] ROBOTS that will fuse with your BONES, and location, and maybe {even your} THOUGHTS will always be “known” to The Racka the Sworn Enemy of WE THE PEOPLE and Children of Pak-Toe…
Johnny Exodice
We Are Pak-Toe!!! We Don’t do Racka… WE TAKE THEM OUT!!!
We Are Revelation… We do not forgive… WE DO NOT COMPLY!!! Game Over…
Remember, Remember, The 5th of December where We The People and Children of Pak-Toe REMEMBER our nonmason Dead whom were Raped, and Tortured, and Kidnapped by FREE MASON C.O.P.S. in all U.N. FLAGS of and for Their Racka {NEWS} World Order U.N. Militant Terrorist [HERE IS THE NEWS] Religion of PROJECT BLUE BEAM that will be a Faked Alien Invasion on all TV SCREENS presented as WAR OF THE WORLDS “once more” for Fake Space is how you murder and kill WE ARE “the remaining” Humans of Flesh, and Blood, and Bones in A World Machine THAT no one owns…
The Society of nonmason~