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Cell Phone Gun Ideal Conceal 380 (A Real Autobot)

JamesRoss - 616 Views
Published on 27 Feb 2023 / In Firearms


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JamesRoss 2 years ago

The TV-babies of Canada are afraid of guns... they are the sheople who guide their decisions by what the Luciferians in governments, police, military, education, universities brainwash into their heads. Luciferians want control of who can have a gun with potentially-faked criminal-background checks. I also heard Canadian rulers claiming the general public should all be medicated due to general mental-illness... wait, what cities are being fluoridated throughout the world? That is what mass-medication means... dumbing down the masses by forced medication. Next is taking away the right to speak and the means to protecting that right. Just because you hold a gun does not by any means indicate that you are a killer by nature, instead you are a protector willing to face-off the real killers, those Freemasonic-Luciferians.

There is a plan by the sneaky Luciferians(commies) that infiltrated all governments to drastically expand "chaos".
The set-up will make use of the power of their rebuilt Tower-Of-Babel technologies(nano-tech, IOT, A.i., etc.). You see the Tower-Of-Babel is just a code-name for ancient technologies that were in use during past civilization that met up with a cataclysm due to unworthiness. The Creator-God is not in any way jealous of the outworn technology of A.i. that can out-think and, seemingly, over-power all who come up against it... just like me, your Creator-God embeds within you the power to overcome the overwhelming odds of A.i. simply with your faith in your own good-intentions and non-murderous behavior. Your Creator-God has provided you with a multidimensional universe with infinite probabilities for you to survive anything and everything... and this is where your good-intentions will make you and wicked intentions will break you.

If you have the intent to kill rather than defend then those opportunities will be provided due to your desires which set in motion the probabilities. If you have not the desires then you will not be steered towards the opportunities.
Just like killing "infected-zombies" It is a set-up that comes through the old devils technologies, if you fall for it then you will be going down the path towards destruction as your experience the destruction of others.

You find yourself currently within the probable-world where brainchip-zombies will be begging for you to kill them, but they are just remote-controlled sacrifices to corrupt others.

To stop a horde of brainchipzombies you just have to overpower the microwave signal which is directing those brainchip bio-robots.
You can bet the Luciferians will be making signal-blocking equipment highly illegal as it will show everyone present that those zombies are controlled by the Freemasonic-Luciferians with hidden technologies.

It is a few years away before the brainchipzombie apocalpse begins, but you can see by all the movies and video games and even the CDC ZOMBIE PANDEMIC preparedness 101 webpage that it is coming. Don't fall for the hoax by shooting their heads off.

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