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Celestial The Brainchip-Puppet-Preacher Does Predictive Programming Upon her Listeners

JamesRoss - 173 Views
Published on 25 Dec 2023 / In

If you do not take back control of your governments, police and military from the Freemasons and Luciferians... then what Celestial the Puppet-Preacher is exposing about the Homo capensis agenda for the NWO-takeover... will have a greater likelihood to actually happen.
But remember that you are an individual within the Creator-God's multidimensional playground(The known universe). Because of God's infinite probabilities, what you do will have a great impact on what happens in your flavour of probable-worlds. You create your own reality(as your personal gift from the Creator-God so that you can experience the outcome of your beliefs, desires and choices, you see...) You are not being pushed around willy-nilly within a single time-line universe. Every choice and action that you personally make will be your interaction with your version of the multidimensional universe that the Creator-God provides for you. Currently, you and I are crossing paths and you will be going on in your own direction through the infinite probabilities. This is wha tthe Sethbooks teach you. Even your personal-intent has a role to play in where your experiences take you within your version of probable-worlds. This is the information that the Creator-God has tried to enlighten you with by your reading the Sethbooks from messenger-Seth. The Mystery School cUlt plays down the Sethbooks to the point that you likely have not heard of them before. The death of Jane Roberts (in a medical-mafia hospital) where her wounds would not heal properly has the Freemasons and Eastern-Star thUgs efforts behind the official scene. Immediately after Jane's death and who wack of mimics tried to duplicate her unique gift, but they all failed. The cUlt minions are just actors and have little substance behind them... they are also traitors to their own genetics.

You should order up and read Seth Speaks then the Nature of Personal Reality at a bare minimum. The warnings that Celestial is giving you is coming from the same people who have railroaded you to the current world-wide grief... It would be wise of you to prepare yourself. The words of Celestial are coming from the ancient masterminds who want to extinct you and your offspring.

The voice in Celestial head comes from technology of the brainchip-hivemind. Targeted individual like Celestial have been around since the preachings of Fritz Springmeire. If they are too dedicated to their beliefs in the Bible to be turned by the ancient devils(Homo capensis) then they will use the "voice of gods" weapon to brainwash and hypnotize the TI into a brainchip-puppet-preacher.

Other brainchip-puppet preacher are:
Jonathan Kleck
Jan at XtremeRealityCheck
There are many many more, but Springmeire was the first one I discovered exposing the Masonic dogma.
The reason why the cUlt exposes itself is because they believe that they are unstoppable and need to bring in their new religion of fake mind-uploads... just like in Huxley's(a minion) book "Brave New World" or "Logan's Run."

Celestial call her ministry "The Master's Voice" not the Creator-God's Voice. Homo capensis is the masters giving their whistle commands to all their sheepdog minions(eg: Freemasons, Templars, Jesuits).

Jonathan Kleck called his ministry "Before the Fires." After the Hawaii fire, you can begin to realize that the Luciferians plan to use their technology to burn you out of all your belongings you spent your life gathering and preparing for your retirement. Homo capensis are so genetically twisted from being a worthy mankind that they have lost their compassion for life and just linger as the Remnant-Lumanians, until they all eventually keel-over to meet their maker. Their mind-upload technology is fake because the soul is spiritual and cannot be contained in a physical computer. Freemasons are promised the reward of a fake mind-upload and a soul-transfer into cyborg AI-robots... just silly fools unworthy of the souls the Creator-God gave them.

Celestial tells you that if Obama does not do this, then it will be someone like him... What that means is that a Brainchip-Puppet-Dictator who serves the old devils will devastate... all presidents of the world are now brainchipped-puppets instructed what to do by the AI-supercomputer(which is the antichrist, A.i.Lucifer)

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JamesRoss 5 months ago

What Christians don't seem to realize is that Luciferians also thump the Holy Bible and Luciferians also preach to Christian sheep about a "rapture" where they only need to sit around and wait to starve or die in some way. Good people, just suckered by the wicked horrible people... they gave up their vigilance, I suppose.

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