CCP police are kidnapping college students! storm campus, drag many into buses
See what happens when you can't defend yourself and Communism is in charge? Horrifying! I hope the end of Communism comes soon!
"I have the rest of the story it is as follows. This was posted on a website called the War Room Forum:
At over 100 universities in China, CCP agents simultaneously hit them ALL while students were on lunch break and they raided the cafeterias. All the students were ordered out of the cafeterias during lunch, were ordered onto white buses, which arrived in numbers sufficient to take them all away. Anyone who resisted was immediately arrested and hauled off a different way.
I came across rumors of this yesterday but was too skeptical to post it it as fact. But it ended up being true - the CCP just nailed it's universities while the kids were concentrated in the cafeterias and took them all away and it was a huge extended operation that went well into the night. ALL THE KIDS, either willingly or under arrest.
If the video I linked which clearly shows this happening (it's not blurry UFO footage) - if it disappears that was the problem yesterday, even the alt video sites are hunting down this video and deleting it post haste. I don't expect it to survive on Bitchute. I have it downloaded and it is on my server now but I am not going to link it from here because it is large, damning, will go viral and could crash the site. But if it keeps vanishing I'll certainly link it with the instructions to download it and distribute it.
Most likely China is going to war, a HUGE war, and they are grabbing the kids for that reason. Perhaps they are going to a survival shelter. Perhaps they are being preserved.
Whatever happened, let me guess -
1. Either China is expecting a nuclear war and is taking the kids to a safe shelter to preserve them and start over with, OR
2. There is a new outbreak or something else terrible and they are taking the best, youngest, and brightest to safe shelter somewhere, OR
3. For some reason there's a "political need" to kill them all or re-program them all (I seriously doubt that, I think 1 or 2 is true because this was far too random and complete)
And least likely:
4. They need foot soldiers for a war. NOT LIKELY.
The problem is that they grabbed both boys and girls, and they were in the top intellectual class that would be necessary to preserve in a war. College is also a bit old to grab for military reasons, where 18 year olds are preferred because they are easier to program. They could get all the foot soldiers they need from the general public. Something else is amiss here, and it is probably very bad.

... Sure would be a shame if the 3 Gorges Dam suddenly burst right about now.

Don't confuse the Chinese Community Party (CCP) with police. They need arrest. Our Police Needs support.

These people involved in human rights abuse will not be accountable to the ccp. They will only find out when JUDGEMENT IS SET APON them. Death then will be SOUL DEATH OR TORMENTED FOR ETERNITY. THANK YOU JESUS.