Cascading Effects of Global Crop Losses (Bob Kudla 1-2).mp4
salman_madani - 274 Views
Published on 07 Aug 2021 / In Film and Animation
Bob Kudla from Trade Genius and David DuByne of ADAPT 2030 discuss shortages occurring across the planet, how many are natural and how many are because of trade disputes and cross border restrictions. With rising fuel prices, what places that will weather the financial storm which Bob discusses. Ready to protect your family?
β’ Grain export stoppages
β’ Peak Centralization
β’ Average yearly global surface temperatures
β’ Synchronized cooling oceans
β’ US wheat crop losses 2021
β’ Mega-drought across US crop lands
β’ Brazilian corn losses 2021
β’ Mega-flood China
β’ China crop losses 2021
β’ Decentralization of food distribution
β’ China closes education sector
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