Stirrings in the ‘White Community’?
Jared Taylor explains that whites can be pushed only so far, but argues that defensive action is not enough.
The transcript of this video is available here:
Conference Speeches:
If you were white, you need to be advocating for white people. Don’t give into the manipulation of the terms diversity or multiculturalism. They are only used against white people. Let non-white nations have the diversity, let’s preserve what we own.
Another great video, where Jared and the AmRen crew make some great points:
"I have always said that as the left made ever-more outrageous demands on whites, it would wake people up. Critical Race Theory is finally pushing ordinary whites over the edge. And what happens when they object to being called inherently racist? They’re called inherently white supremacist. This should wake them up even more – and send them our way.
But whites can’t stop at defensive action. We have to assert *our* rights, make *our* demands, defend *our* heritage. There is no compromise with people who want to abolish whiteness. Angry whites may beat them down for now, but they’ll be back. There is only one solution. To be separate from, beyond the reach, and fortified against these people.
Only then, can we be sure our people have a future."